What everyone is forgetting is this bus guy has a 4.9 mil gp. So hes gonna get matched with people have have roughly 4.5 to 5.4. How many relic toons did you have at 4.9? I know when i was 4.9 relic wasnt a thing. All hes doing is keeping his gp low while relicing the A teams. Not hard to explain. Not hard to best people that have maybe 5 relic toons with 1 or 2 toons
Hes not a genius for figuring out how to win undersized battles hes just kept his gp low while only gearing up enough to make it to div 1.
I just have one question. How is that fun? Wouldnt you want a challenge in this game? Facing g11 and some g12 isnt a challenge. It would be very boring to me. Plus he must be terrible in a guild for tb and tw. And arena and ship arena. So congrats on kyber 1! Must be worth it to do all that. ???