5 years ago
Kyber result
Looks like the top 10 players in Kyber division 1 have bunch of Relic 0 toons again. Does that mean if we have bunch of R7 toons we have no chances?
"Hawthorne;c-2144776" wrote:
The problem isn't the matchmaking algorithm itself. Top X character GP makes a lot of sense. The problem is the huge discrepancy in the amount of GP relics add. There is far too little GP added taking a character from G12 to G13 considering the difference in power between a G12 and G13 character. Even going to R1/R2 doesn't really add that much. When we starting taking characters to R6/R7 we start adding thousands of GP to our rosters which is where we start to hurt our GAC matchmaking. I don't think the amount of GP added at the higher relic level is necessarily bad, but the tiny amount added at the lower level certainly is. They really need to adjust that to not only make matchmaking a bit more level but also to encourage people to actually relic up characters beyond R1-R3. There is something inherently wrong with the system if we're being not only encouraged, but rewarded for keeping our relic levels low. These tuned GAC rosters also hurt guild progress in TB ( especially LSTB ) as lower relic characters just can't compete. If they can't fix the GP discrepancy, hopefully the new galactic challenges will force people's hands by being difficult enough to require higher levels to get the best rewards.