However it is healthy for the game when there is a pathway for new players to catch up.
I agree. I have frequently argued for this, actually. The idea of no new Kyros so that people can work simultaneously on whatever new gear bottleneck replaces them AND clearing out old Kyro requirements at the same time has some merit. It would probably work best if the new gear only replaced some of the Kyros on new toons. A lot of mediocre marquee toons still require 400 gyros total (100 for the g12 finisher, 300 just to get to g12). Changing that to 200 of the new gear, so that there's still 100 Kyros to reach g12 and 100 for the g12 finisher sounds relatively balanced, but it all depends on what the economy is for the new gear. As we currently have a diverse group of sources for Kyros, what happens to the higher-gp players? Right now we go straight to g12 as soon as a toon hits 7*, and with a little advanced planning or for the better orders, we go straight to relics, too. Otherwise we hit relics in a few days after we realize what g12 pieces we're missing and go grab them.
While this change benefits lower gp players, unlike some catch-up solutions, this one seems like it would actually make life difficult for higher gp players. If the goal is hurrying lower-gp players along to useful relics that's one thing. If the goal is slowing higher-gp players down, that's another.
So what is the goal here, and how do you do the one without the other (unless you **want** to do both speeding up lower-gp development while slowing higher-gp development)?