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Aplusho1996's avatar
7 years ago

Last Resort Strategy for Thrawn 7* (UPDATE: Mythic Tier)

UPDATED: Added Mythic Tier at the bottom

Hey all! Straight to the topic! I was unable to finish the thrawn 7* event for 3 days until I developed this weird strategy which I wanna share with you in case you are having difficulties like me.

My Characters:

Level 83 Hera (G8, 6,7,6, Omegaed)
Level 81 Kanan (G8, 6,6,5, Omegaed)
Level 85 Sabine (G8, 7,6,6,7)
Level 85 Ezra (G8, 7,7,7, Omegaed)
Level 82 Zeb (G8, Abilities Level 7,6,6,7)

Firstly, as you can see I have no chopper which most folks STRONGLY recommend due to his unique, which I also agree he is a better character in THIS event specifically. However, since I was stuck with Sabine I had to make do. The strategy I used was slightly different from most folks. (Note: I came to this conclusion after running for around FOUR HUNDRED 400 RUNS, so don't give up)

My Strategy:
Firstly, Go into the last phase with Kanan and Ezra TM close to 90%, doesn't matter which over which. An EVEN better option is to go into the last phase AFTER a COUNTER from your character. I had around 10-20 runs near the end specifically dedicated to reach this result by leaving the officer alive and let him shoot Ezra/ Zeb and let them kill him so as not to lose ANY tm on other characters too.

Secondly, For phase 4, a PERFECT combination is to let ONE Death Trooper AOE, and the other uses BASIC, BEST BE ON KANAN, with the BASIC not scoring Daze on KANAN, and Thrawn using his TM transfer and dispell on Stormtrooper so he DOUBLE taunts.

The rationale behind this is because you must use Ezra to dispel stormtrooper, and unless you have godlike mods for BOTH sabine and Zeb, it is likely that only one can take a turn before one of the DT strikes again. My Zeb and Sabine had around 180 speed and 206-ish speed and more often than not I can only STAGGER ONE DT. The reason why it's best the basic be on KANAN is because with his lowrted health, we want to be one shotted by fracture so that he revives with backup plan UNFRACTURED, so he can use defense up later on to keep zeb alive

HOWEVER, apparently the AOE of DT hits really WEAK. So what you wanna do is this: Stagger the DT which used his AOE, and leave the DT that used his BASIC alone FOR NOW. The DT which used his basic on Round 1 will use his AOE in round 2, and even with the Buff it only hurts for like 1000-ish hp. Quickly Stagger the First DT and kill him off, and use Hera/ Ezra's Assist to Stun the Storm trooper to prevent him from Taunting. About this time, Thrawn should start using his Fracture, so remember to have Kanan Taunting. BUT bear in mind KANAN must LIVE for the counter to act, so use Hera to put a backup plan on him. IF your Kanan DOES survive, AND does not die to subsequent attacks, use Zeb to put defense up on Kanan to make him live. MAKE sure ZEB does NOT have Daze at this moment AND is suffering from HEALTH IMMUNITY, so that Zeb can gain retribution and counter all attacks to inflict DAZE. Now, quickly dispatch the SECOND DT.

Thirdly, proceed to kill the Stormtrooper. OBSERVE the tm on stormtropper. If he has less than 30%, Hera call Sabine to assist if possible. If he is close to 100%, Hera calls Ezra, since it's more likely to do more damage to Stormtrooper. Then proceed to kill the healer with lower health using Sabine and Ezra.

By then you should have all 5 Characters ALIVE, although NOT well. My Kanan, Zeb were at around 20% hp, with Ezra and Sabine full health but 0 protection. Hera should be at least 50%. Thrawn would proceed to FRACTURE again, and DO NOT let him fracture Zeb. If he fractures ZEB/ KANAN, which at our gear level ZEB/ KANAN would most likely DIE immediately, proceed to RESTART the battle. If Kanan revives, or managed to survive, continue. If Thrawn fractures EZRA/ HERA, which is GREAT, CONTINUE.

So with only four characters left, crucially Zeb/ Kanan, do EVERYTHING you can to keep Zeb and Kanan alive. Use Hera to call assist on Sabine/ Ezra (whichever is alive) or Ezra to call Sabine to nuke the Remaining Healers down. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to attack thrawn. I have had around 5 runs where I had a healer and thrawn left and I decided to go after thrawn and I ended up paying for it with all 4 characters dead.

After you have killed the healers, Call assists on ZEB EVERYTIME until you managed to stun Thrawn. REMEMBER, on HERA's turn (if still alive), if assist is on COOLDOWN, and you DO NOT have a debuff on Thrawn, use her BASIC to inflict EXPOSE. This can ALSO provide a stun opportunity for Zeb. Proceed to stun Thrawn and pray to RNGness after all the above that you DO land a stun. For myself, my Zeb was ALL potency mods with protection primary stat, so his potency is around 70%.

Hope you all get Thrawn 7*.

Update (19/1/2018): I received a MASSIVE influx of inbox messages asking me for a simplified version from alot of you fellow jedi and sith who are non-English speakers.

Step 1: Last wave, Kanan and Ezra Turn meter (TM) 90%, Finish with a counter attack.

Step 2: One Deathtrooper AOE on you, One Deathtrooper shoots your Kanan, no daze, thrawn swap TM with Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper taunts.

Step 3: Kill stormtrooper, <30% TM, Call Sabine Assist. >30% TM, Call Ezra Assist.

Step 4: All your characters alive, only thrawn left. Thrawn fractures, Kanan/ Zeb/ must live.

Step 5: Call Assist on Zeb everytime, Stun thrawn and take him out as fast as possible. Buff your potency on Zeb and make him stun and daze thrawn non-stop.

Mythic Tier:

Intro: Mythic tier is a totally different game. Now your enemy has become your lead, and frankly, thrawn lead is close to useless. As we all know tenacity(do read up tenacity and potency guides if you are unsure how they work. There are alot of detailed guides on this topic by experience players) is pretty much meh in this game (let’s assume base 15%, since the enemy potency in mythic seems pretty high that stagger are landing left and right).

1. Shoretrooper shoretrooper shoretrooper.
Cant emphasize enough about shoretrooper. His pretaunt is excellent for soaking up the first several hits from phoenix, as well as taking ezra’s special which grants ezra 75% tm normally when hitting an emey with no buff. With shoretrooper, you deny him of several turns more.

2. REMEMBER their uniques

If you have read up this guide for the first time, you will know that the uniques of phoenix is what ties them together. The most significant ones in this challenge is Kanan(grants counter), Ezra(increasing offense), Sabine(increasing crit damage).

However, the health and protection on Kanan and Zeb is INSANE. A 20% health of zeb took away around 21k damage. That adds up to close to 110k of health! I DO NOT recommend targetting kanan. Focus on SABINE and EZRA. They are the major damage dealers.

3. Emperor Palpatine

The key to the battle is none other than the EP. His unique takes away 20% health out of the enemy. By just SURVIVING, he is doing more damage than all your allies. Coupled with the fact that their phoenix takes so many turns before you actually take one, ezra is normally at 40% or less when you actually take one! Just use shoretrooper to keep palpatine alive, as well as using the mass stun.


Thrawn (L), EP, Shoretrooper, Vader, Deathtrooper/ Tarkin

Priority: Ezra > Sabine > Hera > Kanan > Zeb=Chopper.

Unfortunately I am unable to provide an accurate Minimum requirement for the event since most of my squad is G11/12, but I do believe a G11 team with no zetas is sufficient with a good amount of protection.

My setup: Thrawn (Level 85, G12, zeta Fracture)
Shoretrooper (Level 85, Gear 10)
Emperor Palpatine (Level 85, G12, Zeta on lead, Irrelevant in the challenge)
Vader (Level 85, G12, Zeta on Lead and Unique)
Tarkin (Level 85, G11, Zeta on unique)