4 years ago
Level the playing field
Developers, you need to fix these stupid Empire teams that just get Vader zeta’d and then use a lower powered everyone else. I just got stomped because zVader on a Palpatine Empire team with 20,000 le...
"Llennob;d-245985" wrote:
Developers, you need to fix these stupid Empire teams that just get Vader zeta’d and then use a lower powered everyone else. I just got stomped because zVader on a Palpatine Empire team with 20,000 less power wiped the floor with my zBossk, zBoba, Cad, Zam, Greedo team because he has Merciless Massacre. What an overblown ability anyways?!?! You need to make it to where if gear levels, char levels, or ability levels aren’t consistent throughout the team then the most powerful char (zVader’s) power is diminished. This powerleveling crap is stupid. Why even level anything else if all you need is zVader on an Empire Palp team? Oh right because they lost in canon and they’re just dumb, which just adds insult to injury since the BHs are still alive and making Disney money.