2 years ago
Levi is the worst meta ever!
So you spend hour or more in fleet battle for those goddamn crystals. But you cant get to top 5 because fleet battles turned into rocket science and rng fest... im so fucking tired. Every single day h...
"DarjeloSalas;c-2439872" wrote:"Whatelse73;c-2439858" wrote:
I'd love for the "it's easy bro, I win 100% of the time!" crowd to post videos of their 100% reliable proof and show like 10 battles in a row winning every time. Just once. lol
I'd also like to add, there appears to be a problem with the player's version of the Mark VI? You're supposed to be able to do an insta-kill with the basic after you have 40 STACKS. I was in fleet arena mirror with over 60 stacks a couple nights ago and it didn't do anything. Ranger was just doing his battle in a mirror and his Mk VI had over 50 stacks, did the basic and it didn't defeat the target.
I don't recall ships having a defeat immunity? It says instantly defeat enemy, not unless it's on offense. Unless I'm missing something that appears to not be working as intended according to the kit?
No I'm not going to try to recreate it. No I'm not going to put a bug report in. No I'm not going to link anything. No I'm not going to continue to beta test your game for you CG. Pay some people to beta test and fix this rubbish.
If you or Ranger used Mk VI’s basic against the enemy’s Mk VI, then it won’t instantly defeat them.