Forum Discussion

Nicklas0208's avatar
8 years ago

LF: LSO gig4ls, DL Leeroy jenkins, Uragano, Jcorbink, Freelancer, Hondo Ohnaka, Miffed

Top 20 this Morning.

LSO gig4ls (SO)
DL Leeroy jenkins (DL of Omega)
Uragano (STARBOIT)
Jcorbink (The ALLIANCE beta)
Chu Gene (Bad Motivator)
SF DonKoLLe (starforgeAlderaan)
Russian name? (Heroes of the Planets)
KilleR (Knights of the Dark Force)
Obionemaster (TSR)
Hondo Ohnaka (TSR)
RGs Jirojarmo (TheRealGs)
Henke (Speden Putki)
Chaz (The Alliance Beta)
SL Jbond (Starlords Reborn 501st)
Freelancer (BHG Ataru) = me
Miffed (The impossibles)
Mezmo (Appinvasion)
Simon (The Dagobah Pirates)
NSC qwerty (NSC gold)
Smarticus (Das Super Villains)

Looking for a Shardchat - Line/Discord or whatever ;p
Im currently in top 30
Nicklas Line id Nicklas90
  • I am also in this same shard. Been constantly in the top 20 for the past few weeks and finally hit rank 2 tonight. Hit me up on discord captmorrgain#1943
  • Looks like this is my shard as well, if there's a shard chat I'd love an invite. Halbrad#1672 on discord. I just started cracking top 50, and i wanted to connect.
  • I'm also in this shard, Discord id: TalonMcgee#6286
    hoping to join to make our lives easier!
  • Hey guys. Could I join the shard chat as well as we share the same shard? Jetrology#1313