Forum Discussion

Drekulviin's avatar
9 years ago

Lightside 8A hard

Darth maul. Base damage 17k critical 24k

Is that intended ? Seriously ?
How can we beat that guy ?
He's got like 100k HP
  • If you use Jedi you're done for. Search this title and you'll find many threads with strats
  • Ok thanks ....gonna be hard for me I only have Jedi exept for Resistance pilot :(
  • If it's any consolation the dark side missions are a joke in comparison.

    I am still stuck on the light side level 8 normal missions (can't beat Dooku) so haven't even opened up the light side hard yet.

    However, I got to level 76 recently and cleared all the dark side level 8 missions (normal and hard) with 3 stars with no problem at all. I didn't need to refight any. In fact, in several battles I didn't even take a single hit through all 3 rounds (Daka, Dooku, RG stunned everything).
  • I have omega ability Daka so her stun was invaluable to disable the Ewok scouts. Also RG seems to go before they get a chance to shoot (meaning another stun).

    They also die very easily (my gear 8 GS could one-shot them).
  • I got my rear handed to me. It will be a while before I try again. Used my Rebel/Lumi team. Droids crushed me. Might have to star up the jawa.
  • "usArmyJedi;363915" wrote:
    I did all Jedis.
    QGJ (l)
    Barris (ally)

    3 star first try with ease.