Forum Discussion

AndyGinever's avatar
New Rookie
2 months ago

Lightspeed bundle and the appalling service

Soooo, I can see I’m not the only person been stung with yet more failures on webstore and LSB purchases.

But honestly, shocked and disgusted at the replies I’ve received from EA Help in game.

See the attached screenshot of their “help”. They confirm I just got given crystals. But then go on to say how it’s all settled. If I’d wanted crystals, I’d have bought them. Instead I buy a LSB.

need to sort it out and give us what we buy, or refund as this is blatant miss-selling, and if it’s not sorted, I’m going to have to involve PayPal for you failing to supply what I ACTUALLY purchased.

20 Replies

  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    2 months ago

    I will probably get a ban or timeout for saying this, but I would have done a refund thru paypal already. It is instant goods delievery and they messed it up. It is on them and they should feel the pain. It is not like this is the first time.

  • Soonerczech's avatar
    Rising Novice
    31 days ago

    I'm giving them until today. Then I'm going through paypal to get a refund.

  • AndyGinever's avatar
    New Rookie
    31 days ago

    I’m nervous to as I have read of people having accounts permanently deleted after doing charge back etc.

    it’s a last resort and would much rather they sort the mess out. Even if they just apologise and promise to sort it and give me the pack in the near future.

    get 180 days to complain to PayPal, but currently everyone in help is tell me there’s no problem.

  • MellorRdMincer's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    31 days ago

    My issue still hasn’t been resolved. Heard nothing since other than it’s being investigated. I ordered 3 LSB and still waiting for Tusken and Jawa.

  • Soonerczech's avatar
    Rising Novice
    31 days ago

    I just received my aphra lsb from CS. The mail had a weird lvl 85 logo and didn't say what it was but after clicking my GP went up so I looked at Aphra team and all were now maxed 

  • AndyGinever's avatar
    New Rookie
    31 days ago

    At least you’ve had some success 😎

    wish I could say the same 🙄

  • Whatelse73's avatar
    New Ace
    30 days ago

    People had their accounts deleted because they were doing chargebacks excessively and basically, stealing, what they agreed to "purchase" but not really paying for it.  There were quite a few that did it years ago and they got banned.

    Doing a single chargeback when you didn't get what you purchased shouldn't cause that to happen.  If CG didn't pump out products that are broken almost 100% of the time, we wouldn't be talking about it now.  The "investigation" should've been done prior to them releasing it for customers to buy. 

    They've made over $2 Billion (with a B) on this game and their quality assurance is crap.  They want us to keep spending money for everything being broken when it is released as if we're just ATMs to them.  That disrespect is getting out of control and they need to fix their own lack of prioritization for quality.

  • I’m strongly against the approach of marking cases “solved” when they are part of a broader investigation. This just causes the player to get the run around with support, and no visibility of what is going on to actually resolve the issue. Why not mark these cases as “under investigation” with a link to the Trello case? This would at least let the player and support know that it isn’t solved yet.

    Even better would be to couple this with a clear customer service standard that if after x days the (purchase-related) issue hasn’t been solved, the player will get reimbursed AND get the item/s when the issue is fixed with no risk of account ban. Imagine the improvement in QA testing and issue resolution speed!