I like magna, and he isn't omega'd yet. Maybe once my rg gets a caller, rg will be better as my fifth, though....
I don't see how his AOE isn't getting ur other droids to get in attacks. With hk lead and je, my droidson seems to always have two toons near full at all times. Maybe it won't be as great going up against Ben/han. But i think magna aoe is good. On any other team would not aoe that does 15% TM reduction and 1.4k damage and gives 100% tm be any good? (15% because droids and je are at least 50% faster than any other squad.)
Magna has won many matches for me. He is great to tag dooku with o down, early. So ur other droids don't take too much damage. He ensure someone is alive to see je detonators finally go off, if it comes to that. And when he is down to last two toons with hk, I have actually seen him get both his buffs up while the AI focuses on HK.