8 years ago
Mark 6 stun gun
Are you serious? I mean really really serious.
What kind of joke is that. If mk5 stun guns are needed for a mk6, then make Mk4 stun guns needed for mk5.
Throw us a bone here. You get 3 or 4 out of 7 carbanti for challenges. Or 15-20 salvage a day now you want us to have to farm even more to get to g12 for a few toons.
You've created a situation now where whales can buy the top spots in arena, meaning they get loads of crystals and can therefore get more gear quicker and can afford to buy more refreshes and get toons quicker. When a new toon comes out that needs certain characters that whales have been able to get because they get more free crystals than the little guy. Soon enough this gap will increase and you will lose players.
Please throw the community a bone here and make something more easily farmable.
What kind of joke is that. If mk5 stun guns are needed for a mk6, then make Mk4 stun guns needed for mk5.
Throw us a bone here. You get 3 or 4 out of 7 carbanti for challenges. Or 15-20 salvage a day now you want us to have to farm even more to get to g12 for a few toons.
You've created a situation now where whales can buy the top spots in arena, meaning they get loads of crystals and can therefore get more gear quicker and can afford to buy more refreshes and get toons quicker. When a new toon comes out that needs certain characters that whales have been able to get because they get more free crystals than the little guy. Soon enough this gap will increase and you will lose players.
Please throw the community a bone here and make something more easily farmable.