Forum Discussion

treebunner's avatar
5 years ago

Maul and savage

Think these two brothers need a slight buff in kits ,and and some synergy which they lack completely .
Here's my take .

Darth Maul

· Basic · Level 8
Raging Storm
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and deal Defence down for 1 turn . On a finishing blow, gain 100% Turn Meter and Offense Up for 2 turns. This attack deals double damage to Jedi.

· Special · Level 8
Whirling Blades 3 turn cooldown
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Daze for 2 turns, this attack deals double damage to Jedi and has a 75% chance to Stagger them for 1 turn .
If Savage Opress is present, both him and Maul gain speed up for 2 turns.

· Leader · Level 8
Dancing Shadows
All Sith allies gain 20% Evasion, gain 20% Turn Meter and Stealth for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and whenever they Evade or are Critically Hit, can't be Critically Hit while Stealthed, and gain Advantage for 2 turns whenever Stealth expires. The Stealth and Turn Meter from this ability ignores Taunting allies.

· Unique · Level 8
Power of Hatred
Darth Maul gains 25% Max Health, gains Max Health equal to 10% of the damage he deals, and Potency equal to 0.5% of his Max Health.

Whenever an enemy is defeated, Darth Maul gains bonuses for the rest of the encounter.
First Enemy: 30% Critical Chance
Second Enemy: 30% Accuracy
Third Enemy: 30% Max Health recovery on hitting with an attack
If Savage Opress is present he gains half of these bonuses untill Darth Maul is defeated.

Savage Opress

· Basic · Level 8
Staggering Blow
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns.
This attack is ignores defence and has +20% health steal against Jedi.

· Special · Level 8
Overpower 3 turn cooldown
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 3 turns, and reduces the cooldown by 1 on a finishing blow. If the target has 50% Health or below, this attack deals massive damage and can't be Evaded.

· Unique · Level 8
Pain Is Weakness
Savage Opress gains 6% Tenacity and 12% Defence, Each time he applies or suffers a debuff untill the end of the encounter.
If Darth Maul is present he gains half of these bonuses untill Savage Opress is defeated.

· Unique · Level 8
Whenever Savage takes damage, he gains Offense Up, Defense Up, and Heal Over Time for 2 turns and gains 35% Turn Meter. At the end of his turns, Savage Dispels all debuffs on a random other Sith ally and gains those debuffs for 1 turn. Dispel all debuffs from Savage whenever he is Critically Hit.

If Darth Maul is in the leader slot, both him and savage gain +25% Potency and 15% Max Health.

Didn't think much was needed in the power department but I thought that the extra synergy would do that .
  • You know. I was thinking about replying to each and every point. I was thinking about pointing out all the straw-men you have attacked in this post, and even making a joke that if you continued doing so they might become an endangered species. I was thinking about continuing this post. But then I realized: You clearly do not care. So why should I?
    Currently what you have here is a giant pile of effects, just thrown onto each other, with 2 paper masks of Maul and Savage that have been colored in by a 2 year old using crayon. And you just don't care. The theme in these kits have been destroyed without any new ones build up, the characters representation is non-existent, and the abilities barely have a connection between them, and you do not care. All you care about, are numbers. Cause that's all these are and all you've argued. Just 2 big piles of numbers. The characters, the kits, are non-existent to you.
    You remind me of one of the owners on Kitchen Nightmares, that was obsessed with portions and measurements. The quality of his food was just non-existent and his restaurant was failing, but all he focused on where his portions and measurements. Unlike that show thou, I'm no Gordon. I can't make you see. I don't have that skill or charisma. So I can only do the same as you are doing: Stop caring. I'm just going to put my effort where I believe it is worth putting. I hope you have fun with your numbers, I'll be having fun with kits. Both mine and others.
  • I'm guessing by the lack of content and disrespect in this reply that I have really made you upset and for that I'm sorry , my banter isn't for everyone and when I see someone comment on current mechanics they don't fully understand and use it to critique it's frustrating and might make me seem rude .

    Was I incorrect about the current mechanics on brute ? have I missed something huge somewhere I didn't address ? Normally those that have made a mistake either say so or continue to discuss further me included, your reply has done neither and doesn't allow a back to back to help learn from eachother.

    Next time if you feel this upset either report me or ignore me, or you can hit me up directly and we can talk it out.

    Please could you keep your word and no longer comment on my kit touch ups or reworks .