Forum Discussion

myaky2negboa's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

Max on materials?

So it seems there is a max on Micro Attenuators, even though it doesnt say there is one. Really CG? I can see a max on currency, even if it is dumb, but why on earth would there be a maximum on materials? You put a max on currency (again dumb! )so we are forced to buy mats, shards etc, but if we try and spend currency on materials and there is a max on them, especially if it doesnt say there is, well....its kind of dumb.

Yes i say dumb alot, but i cant use the word(s) i reallly am thinking.
  • For everyone that said "its in game on the calibrate screen" sorry, but i shouldnt have to click 4 or 5 buttons to see a max number on something. I even put this as a warning to my guildmates and a bunch of them didnt know there was a max either, so its not just me. I mean currencies that have a max amount show it right there without having to click buttons, why not everything else? And i dont "hoard" its just been a busy 2 weeks in real life and i just havent had the time to spend/ update mods.
    Not everything has a maximum amount, most of the materials actually do NOT have a max, so for the few things that do, why isnt it easily seen when spending instead of hiding multiple clicks away? And i just did a quick-ish look, are there any other materials that have a max? Gear mats dont, mod mats dont, relic mats dont, nor do conquest or datacron mats. So why would i have assumed these calibration mats have a max? And i could be wrong about other mats, i didnt look at every single material.
  • New raid currencies don't specify a cap until you go to the correct screen to spend them.
  • I'm all for a better warning system or a message popping into the inbox indicating that the currency is filled. Or, better yet, I'm of the belief that attenuators shouldn't be capped. Though I imagine they were capped because they'll play a part in the next mod tier if it ever happens and they didn't want a stockpile if/when that happens.

    However, I was merely pointing out where the OP was wrong in his assertion that a cap wasn't shown and explaining that I thought the current locations were consistent across currencies.

    Similarly, OP says it was a busy 2 weeks, which is fine. Assuming they have Jabba, that's roughly 2x smuggler's run II events, so 120 attenuators. But the remaining ~180 attenuators to cap would be roughly Math.Ceil(180/0.19) * 16 / 645 ~~ 24 days worth of farming nothing but 9D mod battles using 3x refreshes and collecting all free energy. They could drop it down to ~15 days with 3x 50 cost refreshes, 3x 100 cost refreshes, and getting some free from the webstore, but if you're spending 6 refreshes daily on mods, you should probably be working on them.

    0.19 used for the attenuator drop rate on the 16 energy node. My testing over 2,266 sims on that node gave a rate of 0.188, so I added a little extra.