Forum Discussion
7 years ago
Ooh, boy. I knew this would generate a lot of response, but I didn't realize how quickly it would all come in. I'll put my replies in spoilers to streamline this massive wall of text. Edit: It's still pretty massive, sorry. It would be far worse if I didn't spoiler everything though.
I stated that "In my opinion, it's a waste of time and resources to panic farm for something that you don't even know any details of, especially if different characters end up being required. . . If you want to panic farm your OR characters, be my guest. But don't preach it like it's certain until it is." My point in saying that was simply that people shouldn't preach assumptions as the truth, as some appear to be doing.
But yes, the complaints from individual players about not being able to make it in time are a bit futile. CG isn't going to change the plan that they've likely had in place for a while now just so a few extra players will obtain the character sooner.
In that situation, the connection would be fairly obvious (still not 100% certain, but very likely). In this current situation with Revan, it's less clear-cut. I'm not saying that OR toons won't be needed, simply that it's not as certain as people are making it out to be. As far as I can tell, OR seems most likely, though I could see Sith being a candidate faction too.
"Corrog;c-1665359" wrote:
Try and see it another way. Let's say CG released a new Rebel team, Crix Madine, Endor Han, Endor Leia, Endor Rebel Soldier, and Endor Rebel Saboteur. Let's say they then released a teaser, a mere two weeks after those all become farmable, for Endor Luke. What conclusions do you draw?
In that situation, the connection would be fairly obvious (still not 100% certain, but very likely). In this current situation with Revan, it's less clear-cut. I'm not saying that OR toons won't be needed, simply that it's not as certain as people are making it out to be. As far as I can tell, OR seems most likely, though I could see Sith being a candidate faction too.
"GreenGoblin96;c-1665361" wrote:
Your post was fine until you told people not to panic farm. They can do what they feel is spot on and the clues are pretty obvious.
On the other hand, I agree that people shouldn't complain about "hey, don't bring revan, the toons are on hard nodes and I won't make it" or "please add them to the stores, every new character is super p2p and I want him now". What I mean is, we don't know the requirements and dates yet
I stated that "In my opinion, it's a waste of time and resources to panic farm for something that you don't even know any details of, especially if different characters end up being required. . . If you want to panic farm your OR characters, be my guest. But don't preach it like it's certain until it is." My point in saying that was simply that people shouldn't preach assumptions as the truth, as some appear to be doing.
But yes, the complaints from individual players about not being able to make it in time are a bit futile. CG isn't going to change the plan that they've likely had in place for a while now just so a few extra players will obtain the character sooner.
Hey, nothing against that - they're certainly good toons. Go for it, if you want! :) I'm just pointing out that it's not certain.
"Gamorrean;c-1665370" wrote:
I like to panic farm! And the old republic toons are not even that bad
Hey, nothing against that - they're certainly good toons. Go for it, if you want! :) I'm just pointing out that it's not certain.
Personally, my current priorities are on building a Rancor team (since I don't have one yet) and then finishing my bounty hunters to unlock Chewie next time his event comes around. As excited as I am for Revan, I know that I probably wouldn't make it the first time even if I did start panic farming, so I would rather keep focusing on my current goals than stress myself out on a gamble. I'll eventually make my way to preparing for Revan, just not any time soon - I'm well behind meta anyway, so it doesn't matter that much to me. Nothing's stopping you from farming them though.
"Ultra;c-1665373" wrote:
Yes, we don't know the exact date, requirements or release type / structure of Revan but you should farm all the 5 Old Republic Toons to 7* if possible because they have a direct relation to Revan. Its not like you have better priorities and feel like Revan is passable. There are tons of signs pointing that they are needed for Revan.
Personally, I think its going to be something similar to Heroes Journey-like event except you don't need a base character (or a version of HJ that doesn't require a base toon named differently)
Either way, the Old Republic Toons have pretty solid kits regardless and are worth farming
Personally, my current priorities are on building a Rancor team (since I don't have one yet) and then finishing my bounty hunters to unlock Chewie next time his event comes around. As excited as I am for Revan, I know that I probably wouldn't make it the first time even if I did start panic farming, so I would rather keep focusing on my current goals than stress myself out on a gamble. I'll eventually make my way to preparing for Revan, just not any time soon - I'm well behind meta anyway, so it doesn't matter that much to me. Nothing's stopping you from farming them though.
Yes, I agree with this - at this point, who knows? Honestly it would give me a nice chuckle if a completely unrelated faction was necessary (Tusken reworks/additions, anyone? :D ), but I'm almost certain that CG wouldn't do that to their player base. OR does seem like an odd combination for Revan, but right now I think the best guesses are that or Sith.
"MCThr33pio;c-1665470" wrote:
I'm torn between your point of view and the 'panic farm' one.
On the one hand we know we aren't getting many ( if any ) more marquee characters for a while, so those toons PROBABLY are it. But they're a little weird as a combination for a legendary or journey event. Maybe. Especially for someone like Revan, apparently. Even though there's little else that makes sense to farm, except...
...there's also the Sith characters from that era. And HK-47 and Visas Marr. And, as you pointed out, we have no REAL idea what kind of event this is. Just clues, or what we might be presuming to be clues. This could be an event the scale, sort, or kind of which we've really never seen before.
Or not. I mean, what the heck is that Terentatek about, right?
Yes, I agree with this - at this point, who knows? Honestly it would give me a nice chuckle if a completely unrelated faction was necessary (Tusken reworks/additions, anyone? :D ), but I'm almost certain that CG wouldn't do that to their player base. OR does seem like an odd combination for Revan, but right now I think the best guesses are that or Sith.
Amen to that. Planning ahead is definitely important - admittedly, it's also something that I've learned the hard way in this game. But I prefer to plan ahead for longer than the first time that a character rolls around. Once I know the requirements, I'll decide whether to keep focusing on my current goals or switch priorities and farm for the second or third run. At the moment, my main goal is a decent Rancor team, which I want as soon as possible so that I can get Han. Then I'll go back to my bounty hunter team and get them ready to unlock Chewie next time (they're almost there but not quite, so I have plenty of time). Past that, I can take a look at what I'm closest to unlocking next and go from there. As I mentioned in reply to another comment, I'm well behind meta, so this method is just what works for me.
"Boov;c-1665528" wrote:
In my humble opinion it's a solid strategy to plan ahead based on speculation. It's always a gamble without confirmation, but that's part of the fun. Realistically speaking, when the requirements are finally confirmed, you're already too late (unless you're willing to spend a bunch of money or got lucky with the toons you've farmed ofc).
Just don't start complaining about something that may not even happen in the first place, or come crying when in hindsight it turned out you gambled on the wrong faction.
Amen to that. Planning ahead is definitely important - admittedly, it's also something that I've learned the hard way in this game. But I prefer to plan ahead for longer than the first time that a character rolls around. Once I know the requirements, I'll decide whether to keep focusing on my current goals or switch priorities and farm for the second or third run. At the moment, my main goal is a decent Rancor team, which I want as soon as possible so that I can get Han. Then I'll go back to my bounty hunter team and get them ready to unlock Chewie next time (they're almost there but not quite, so I have plenty of time). Past that, I can take a look at what I'm closest to unlocking next and go from there. As I mentioned in reply to another comment, I'm well behind meta, so this method is just what works for me.
That's part of it, yes. My other point, which in hindsight I didn't state very explicitly at all, is that absolutely asserting the "panic farm OR toons immediately" mentality could prove to be problematic for players who either aren't yet at the stage of the game to worry about panic farming or who just need to focus on something, by leading them to switch focus when they're not yet to a decent spot with their main farms, ultimately ending up with two teams and neither quite functional rather than one team that is functional enough to move on to something else. I would argue that premature meta-chasing weakens the player overall, and I'm sure that most people would prefer to avoid mistakes that cost a lot of time and resources.
"Shonkathonk;c-1665538" wrote:
Might be doing a bit of assumption here but think the OPs point on panic farming is that hey farm away on those toons sure and if you want them now to be certain (if they are even required) then thats fine. However if all the speculation proves to be wrong and its different to what people are saying then you cant fly off on one blaming CG etc. Unfortunately there are a small percentage of people that will do that
That's part of it, yes. My other point, which in hindsight I didn't state very explicitly at all, is that absolutely asserting the "panic farm OR toons immediately" mentality could prove to be problematic for players who either aren't yet at the stage of the game to worry about panic farming or who just need to focus on something, by leading them to switch focus when they're not yet to a decent spot with their main farms, ultimately ending up with two teams and neither quite functional rather than one team that is functional enough to move on to something else. I would argue that premature meta-chasing weakens the player overall, and I'm sure that most people would prefer to avoid mistakes that cost a lot of time and resources.
That's definitely a fair point. I'm sure part of the reason is to encourage panic farming - and, more importantly, panic whaling. Ultimately, CG is a business trying to make money, and that's an effective way to do it. But it's not the end of the world to miss Revan (or any new character) the first time. It could certainly be a setback, but it may not be worth completely changing gears for some players.
It does make sense to me that OR toons would be required, and if I had already been farming them I would of course dig deep into them - but I'm invested in other things, and now wouldn't be an effective time for me to veer away.
"thatguy181;c-1665607" wrote:
A lot of people are freaking out because of history. CLS was announced, within 2 weeks or less, his event started. People had to panic farm Old Ben and Farmboy Luke because they were crap characters that few people wanted. JTR was announced, within 2 weeks or less, her event started. People had to panic farm the Vets because they **** and continue to do so.
History shows CG has a bad habit of talking about a new character and it coming to the game VERY quickly...
If you're honestly thinking there's even a remote chance it's not the 5 OR characters... you're fooling yourself. It's painfully obvious.
That's definitely a fair point. I'm sure part of the reason is to encourage panic farming - and, more importantly, panic whaling. Ultimately, CG is a business trying to make money, and that's an effective way to do it. But it's not the end of the world to miss Revan (or any new character) the first time. It could certainly be a setback, but it may not be worth completely changing gears for some players.
It does make sense to me that OR toons would be required, and if I had already been farming them I would of course dig deep into them - but I'm invested in other things, and now wouldn't be an effective time for me to veer away.
I couldn't agree more. If I was planning on going for Revan the first time and actually got him, I would almost be tempted to make a sarcastic complaint that he didn't make my team of CUP, JKG, Ugnaught, ME, and Lobot the new meta.
"NicWester;c-1665622" wrote:
The nicest thing about Revan coming out is finally having a character come out that I have zero interest in and can ignore until the second time around without feeling like I missed out on something.
The second nicest thing about Revan coming out is that it means every time CG posts a cryptic hint about something we won't hear 50 "REVAN?!"s any more.
The worst thing about Revan coming out, though, is when it singlehandedly doesn't destroy every team with one button and have 100% immunity to all debuffs and turn meter removal and we're going to have to read a bunch of posts about how their favorite mary sue isn't strong enough and needs a buff.
I couldn't agree more. If I was planning on going for Revan the first time and actually got him, I would almost be tempted to make a sarcastic complaint that he didn't make my team of CUP, JKG, Ugnaught, ME, and Lobot the new meta.
Totally - more power to you. And I agree that adding OR tags for those toons would make sense, and could even be a plausible precursor to the release. If the goal is to make money, is seems logical to reduce panic farming just a little to make it appear more attainable, but still have a heavy emphasis on it. Dangling the carrot a little closer, I guess you could say.
"Hanfirst;c-1665633" wrote:
Im daily farming the OR toons in case and because i think i can use them at least T3, Jolee and Bastila.
But the logic of why it would be OR is sound, if unlocked by a team/faction no other team makes more sense... Although OR tag for HK, Sith trooper and assassin would make sense to add and reduce need for panic farm... But why reduce the need to panic farm?
Totally - more power to you. And I agree that adding OR tags for those toons would make sense, and could even be a plausible precursor to the release. If the goal is to make money, is seems logical to reduce panic farming just a little to make it appear more attainable, but still have a heavy emphasis on it. Dangling the carrot a little closer, I guess you could say.
Yep, pretty much. But that's just to be expected. The community will always find something to latch onto and get their hopes up for.
"Buddy;c-1665666" wrote:"NicWester;c-1665622" wrote:
The nicest thing about Revan coming out is finally having a character come out that I have zero interest in and can ignore until the second time around without feeling like I missed out on something.
The second nicest thing about Revan coming out is that it means every time CG posts a cryptic hint about something we won't hear 50 "REVAN?!"s any more.
The worst thing about Revan coming out, though, is when it singlehandedly doesn't destroy every team with one button and have 100% immunity to all debuffs and turn meter removal and we're going to have to read a bunch of posts about how their favorite mary sue isn't strong enough and needs a buff.
... except that this is “Jedi Revan”. So going forward, every cryptic post will be greeted with 50 “Darth Revan”s... ?
Yep, pretty much. But that's just to be expected. The community will always find something to latch onto and get their hopes up for.
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