I would like to offer my feedback and what would make me feel satisfied as a remedy to the ugly situation we all have endured this past week @EA_Jesse
First, I should say that while I monitor these forums regularly, I have never made a post. I felt so strongly about this situation I felt compelled to create an account and attempt for my voice to be heard.
I like so much about the last update, but the biggest parts have managed to sweep all those positive feeling aside.
The mod power was entirely too strong and introduced much too quickly. That was the first and biggest problem of the last update.
The decision to reduce mod drop rates and slow there power by making them more expensive to level was the correct one. But making that change after releasing the mods with no limits was an incredible blunder. It left many feeling cheated because some players were able to acquire 5* lvl 15 mods for one price and the next day the price for those same items became much more expensive. This feeling of being treated unfairly makes the consumers to have a feeling of distrust and weariness as to what their resources will be valued in the days to come.
For me to be completely satisfied, I would propose a rollback to prior to the July 12th manual update. Take back all the mods in game and give back everyone the crystals, credits and cantina energy spent acquiring and leveling the mods.
In the future please spend more time testing changes to the game that will be so drastic. Provide an update release well ahead of the update with hard and specific facts about the update. Then take time to listen to the customer's feedback and make the changes that seem most appropriate. I really hope my feedback will be considered and I hope the game I used to enjoy so much can return to that same place Inonce held it in.