Balance in all games is unobtainable but it needs to be as close as you can get it . theres no way your team can be as forgive me for saying this but this stupid . I know that writing all that code takes brain power. So the problem has to be in your testing. I was invited play on test server last game I played and know that there's a endless amount of resources . All test are done with maxed out maxed gear characters which on a test server with un limited supply can obtain in a very short time hours really . Well us players can't do that only the small percentage can get there but even at that takes whales weeks not hours. This update is very good and I'm sure maxed out modded comps against maxed out modded comps works again you guys write all that code you have to be intelligent so I believe that. Problem with this update is you implemented it at the speed of light should have been over months of game play not days . Mods should have been in game at day one by adding in month 9 you negate everything we have worked on since day one. You devalue our gear purchases by stealth nerfing scanners those were just added in shipments just a short time ago how do you expect community to except this. My guild lost 6 people in last 2 days . Discord is lit up with people walking the fine line between staying and quitting as I'm typing this. Mods broke this game response from community in this forum should let you know your testing gave bad results. Guild mate solo heroic today from pigs to the end in 45 minutes that's how broken game is at this point. When testing new content in future need to make sure you don't negate rest of games content . How do we move forward . Mods need to be easier to obtain code a new currency or just use regular energy. By using Cantina energy you broke cantina. Make even easier for u to code make cantina refreshes 50 50 100 100 200 200 like regular energy that would work: credit crunch we need millions upgrade rewards in gw to match level 80 requirements right now it's coded for level 40 . GW would not be a issue if rewards were adjusted with level cap requirements. More credits more toons upgrade equals no problem. Now it's so broken it's not even funny. Fixxing now is so complicated . If was me deciding how to
Move forward I would just give community resources to mod out 1 squad completely . Have Devs code a new raid tuned to mods . Boost reward system to reflect needs . Doing this addresses gw issue plus precraft 2.0 issue since all will be able compete . Eat the revenue for this you need to regain communities trust . No more new content after this fix bugs on everything else first when that's done let the creativity side open up again on new content. Except mistakes for what they are mistakes were all human and make many . It's respectable facing the crowd with pitchforks in hand my hats off to you just hope that you listened this time . This is a awesome united front from community whales to FTP shows how much this game really means to them don't disrespect that with chewbacca shards .