This makes zero sense. It is almost as though you are actively trying to annoy the people who love the game most.
The initial post about cancelling GA for the month was incredibly frustrating (and honestly still doesn't make sense to me, since GAC aren't even running this month. So how does that lead to GA creating "issues"? But I digress...), since for the most part I play GA not for the rewards but for the fun and challenge of setting a good defense and clearing the opponents' defense. However, at least the promise that the significant rewards we have come to expect from a good GA performance (2.4M credits, loads of slicing mats, a select piece of useful gear, and ability mats) would still be forthcoming in some form or other was better than nothing. Especially with the promise of great new content (GAC; Geonosis TB) right around the corner.
However, what we end up with is (1) a TERRIBLE implementation of the new TB that forces us to give up on the progress we've been making towards competing the Hoth map if we want to pursue fun new content with valuable rewards; (2) GAC nowhere in sight; (3) Double drops that kind of, sort of, give a chance to offer good return if you spend a bunch of crystals on refreshes daily throughout their duration.