Forum Discussion

JackJohnson1989's avatar
5 years ago

Mk 5 Stun Gun Struggle!

I read about this bottleneck from the very beginning. Now I got my hyperdrive bundle and have levelled up several toons to 7 star and gear 8, the struggle is real. I know they're hiding them behind a pay walll, but it's so frustrating!

Any chance of CG loosening this? I can't physically grind that many stun guns to continue improving my roster now they're all at similar levels :neutral: The gear challenges should add a new level of difficulty which includes mk 5 stun gun salvage and mk 4 droid caller salvage. I'm not too concerned on Carbanti's at the minute, they seem to be way more accessible than the others.
  • "BeralCator;c-2106631" wrote:
    I need 95 Mk 5 Stun Guns and 73 Mk 6 Stun Guns (which contain a full Mk 5), along with many other gear pieces that also include Mk 5 Stun Guns (Mk 12 Stun Guns, Mk 4 Stun Cuffs, etc.). It is what it is...

    That said, a good chunk of these are for obsolete characters like Bodhi Rook, Mob Enforcer, Ima-Gun Di, Nightsister Initiate, Tuskens, etc. With the very slow trickle of new characters, the bottleneck will move to something else; if you use your crystal income, challenge Carbantis, and shard shop currency judiciously, you can do 2-3 Stun Guns a week. In about a year, people will be complaining about G12+ stuff...

    I haven’t spent many crystals buying guns and lately I’ve had to realize I probably need to. I’m pretty ok with the inflow of basically everything else, it’s just hard to pull the trigger on buying those guns.

  • "ZAP;c-2106636" wrote:
    it’s just hard to pull the trigger

    I see you.
  • "TVF;c-2106638" wrote:
    "ZAP;c-2106636" wrote:
    it’s just hard to pull the trigger

    I see you.

    Stun guns trigger me, I need a safe space

  • @Jack1210

    Shards are nice, but is it worth 1/2 the attempts if you're not interested in the character?

    Yeah, except you can get needed gear faster and cheaper than you can get needed shards. Since you never know when they're going to do something like the way that introduced Finalizer & Raddus with a weird collection of pilots & ships required to get them, you're much better off collecting everything and then leaving most of it at g1-g8 (whatever floats your boat). You're going to miss out on a couple stun guns that you could have been farming, but you're going to have to go back and farm at least some of those toons later with surprise requirements. And those extra couple of stun guns you gain by not farming characters until needed... will that replace the value of being able to complete surprise new events on Day1?

    I'm FtP and still several weeks from my first GL toon, but I had no problem beating the Raddus bonus tier on Day 1, and though I struggled a bit with Finalizer's event, I still beat the bonus tier Day 1. Just took some restarts and some theorycrafting. I know a lot of people with my GP or higher that didn't get any finalizer shards until the 3rd time it came around.

    Now if they want to catch up to me, they have to spend 3k crystals on refreshing the event. They could have bought 2.5 stun guns with that.

    So, yeah. I've missed out on the opportunity to farm gear, but I like my strategy of Shards First, Shards Always farming for Regular/ Cantina & Fleet energy (stores are different). I've got no exact math on this, but I think it's probably paid back more than getting a few extra stun guns would have.


    Ridiculous amounts of money for that team to get nerfed!!!!

    First, there's no way that SLKR is going to get nerfed. If anything, he'll get a buff, though personally I think that they won't do that and that SLKR is headed for no change at all.

    Second, if you mistyped and meant that's a ridiculous amount of money for a team to get killed by cheese, well, it turns out that ... let me see, Nothin' times nothin, carry the nothin' ... the price for SLKR is $0. Of course that's in Canadian dollars. You'll have to convert that to your currency.

    In any case, I don't see the problem with a team that is supposed to be godlike in PvE but merely super-great in PvP being beaten by a combination of the 3rd best toon in the game + good strategy. Put it in context of zero money spent, and if there was any problem there at all, it evaporates completely.