6 years ago
Mod Farming Insanity
I can't be the only one who thinks the current system for farming mods is completely asinine, can I?
For two weeks, I've been farming nothing but offense mods, doing multiple refreshes a day, trying to get a CD triangle.
At this point, i don't even care if it has speed secondaries or not...i just would like to see one drop, so i know it's possible.
Why is this the system we have for farming mods?
If i need a Mk 5 stun gun, i farm for a Mk 5 stun gun. Yes, it's RNG dependant as to whether i get one or not, but i don't go to a completely generic gear farming area where i could potentially get any random piece of gear, and if i do get the gear piece i want hope it's not Mk 4 or Mk 3!
Why can i not farm for a specific mod the same way, and without the potential for a utterly useless 3 or 4 dot mods dropping?
Yes, i know i have the option to buy specific mods from the store. But, i also have the option to buy a specific gear piece with crystals AND farm that specific gear piece AND buy that specific gear piece with multiple different forms of currency in multiple different shipment locations.
Why don't these same options apply to mods?
Or at least give us another mod tier for 20 energy that only drops 5 dot mods with the option to farm specific primaries. I wouldn't even care if it dropped at a 1 in 10 rate or 1 in 20 even. 5% is astoundingly better than the 0% drop rate I've had over the last two weeks.
For two weeks, I've been farming nothing but offense mods, doing multiple refreshes a day, trying to get a CD triangle.
At this point, i don't even care if it has speed secondaries or not...i just would like to see one drop, so i know it's possible.
Why is this the system we have for farming mods?
If i need a Mk 5 stun gun, i farm for a Mk 5 stun gun. Yes, it's RNG dependant as to whether i get one or not, but i don't go to a completely generic gear farming area where i could potentially get any random piece of gear, and if i do get the gear piece i want hope it's not Mk 4 or Mk 3!
Why can i not farm for a specific mod the same way, and without the potential for a utterly useless 3 or 4 dot mods dropping?
Yes, i know i have the option to buy specific mods from the store. But, i also have the option to buy a specific gear piece with crystals AND farm that specific gear piece AND buy that specific gear piece with multiple different forms of currency in multiple different shipment locations.
Why don't these same options apply to mods?
Or at least give us another mod tier for 20 energy that only drops 5 dot mods with the option to farm specific primaries. I wouldn't even care if it dropped at a 1 in 10 rate or 1 in 20 even. 5% is astoundingly better than the 0% drop rate I've had over the last two weeks.