Forum Discussion

cheetah2114's avatar
8 years ago

Mod organization

Can we please get some way to organize and sort out mods? It takes the fun out of trying new Toons when you must remove six mods and lose them in a sea of other mods then repeat this for teams of five. It's just a drag on creativity.

Something simple like changing every toon to wear one Mod set and a separate area to forge six mods into a set where you can name the sets. This wouldn't change any in game effect of mods but make them 12x easier to move. Breaking a set apart can have a low cost or be free doesn't matter. It's been a year of mods can we get just a little polish on them?
  • Agree. Would also like to see being able to sort through secondaries as well. Takes forever to go through to identify
  • Oh what I would give. I would pay more credits for a good way to organize mods with some useful features.
  • "bobbadettprime;c-1183494" wrote:
    I just want mod removal to be free!

    Tell me about it. It should be so that you can play around with different combinations. Sadly like my dad says all the time... "Nothing in life is free!" Lol ;)
  • +1

    The ability to create a number of mod templates that could be allocated to a character with one click would be a perfect QoL update.

    I've more or less given up remodding for raids as it's too time consuming. Would happily pay credits to do this.
  • Not sure how easy this would be but seems like at least opening up the API to non-assigned mods for would be a great start.
  • The main thing we need is mod presets. I don't mind doing the work to figure out what mods should go where once but having to do it every freaking time we raid and in a rush is painful. Then when you have to put your arena team back together that sucks again. Farming mods is fine and its maybe even fair that we should get the vast majority of them farmed for each toon but there is only one fastest cross or triangle and when you have to move that from your Commander Cody to your Jyn to your DN as fast as you can each time risking the destroy button by accident (why is that button even there?) that is painful and puts me off the game a lot. Please just give us presets so we can move them easily and keep paying for the moves as we currently do. It would be a great goodwill gesture on your part CG.
  • Like the team management where you pre-set a team comp, same should be possible with mods.

    I understand to transfer mods from one toon to another, the "receiving" toon would have to be mod-free otherwise this could create problems (not necessarily though, e.g. mods of the receiver to be dropped in the inventory)