8 years ago
Mod organization
Can we please get some way to organize and sort out mods? It takes the fun out of trying new Toons when you must remove six mods and lose them in a sea of other mods then repeat this for teams of five. It's just a drag on creativity.
Something simple like changing every toon to wear one Mod set and a separate area to forge six mods into a set where you can name the sets. This wouldn't change any in game effect of mods but make them 12x easier to move. Breaking a set apart can have a low cost or be free doesn't matter. It's been a year of mods can we get just a little polish on them?
Something simple like changing every toon to wear one Mod set and a separate area to forge six mods into a set where you can name the sets. This wouldn't change any in game effect of mods but make them 12x easier to move. Breaking a set apart can have a low cost or be free doesn't matter. It's been a year of mods can we get just a little polish on them?