8 years ago
Mods that make no sense!
I would love it if someone would explain to me what's the purpose of a speed arrow that has anything other than speed primary. A critical damage triagle with anything other than critical damage primar...
"B0untryHR7;c-1456266" wrote:"RacerDejak;c-1456263" wrote:"B0untryHR7;c-1456259" wrote:"RacerDejak;c-1456252" wrote:
Mod is least of the non-sense problem in the game. Have u heard legend story about someone who get #1 in haat raid, then get 3 slot of gear challenge as raid reward, that he already have about 4.000 pieces of them? It's the most insulting.
*it's me by the way :cry:
Well that's a separate problem, i don't see why they can't both be fixed. I sure hate any sort of challenge gear apart from carbanti and syringes.
Still the resources you waste on mod RNG is far greater than a bad gear drop on a raid
Yea.. RNG is the worst problem. If a game rely heavy on RNG, it:s safe to assume it's a lazy design
Or it's designed to ..... people off and create insecurity which leads to more spending. Cause if you see others in your shard making progress and coming back with better mods every day, or falling behind in raid damage cause your guildies got some awesome mods for their raid teams, then you feel threatened and you wanna buy some mods to keep up.