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Predi1988_hun's avatar
6 years ago

My idea for a huge Clone faction pass

I made this first on reddit, original post here:

I had an idea, what might be a good, unique thing for the Clones, and I wanted to make it into a concept for them. For this, I watched relevant The Clone Wars episodes again, read after them on the wiki (both canon and legends), researched some stuff. This will be a long post, so please, bear with me. Thanks in advance.

So, the main thing is, how the Clones were assigned into separate battalions and corps, and these were unique, and easily distinguishable, especially in the later stages. Therefore, I'd visualise them in their Phase II armor. And the basic troopers (kits for them furher down) would get a specific bonus, depending on who their leader is, which Clone unit they represent.

To further add to this, during the TCW series, we saw the Jedi Generals and their Clone commanders together a lot. They worked together, planned attacks, fought side-by-side. Therefore, my idea is, if the specific Jedi and the Clone leader are in the team, and one of them is in the leader position, both of their leader ability activates. I checked the available leader abilities, none of them are too OP in combination, especially nowadays. Of course, they can be used separately, but they are stronger together.
And then the generic clones under them would get their specific Battalion bonus activated too. For example, if General Kenobi or/and Commander Cody are in the team, and one of them is the leader, the clone troopers under them would get the 212th Attack Battalion part of their unique activated, and visually they'd change their armor to the one with those orange markings.
If the Clones are under a different leader, say CW Chewie, they'd stay in their white armor, and no bonus. Here's a picture of the different looks:

So the regular clone troopers will all get the Clone Battalion unique and there it will be listed as: if the leader of this unit is X (jedi) or Y (clone), it gains the following bonus: .............. (see further down)

The available leaders and their unit will be listed next. For existing units, I'm not suggesting reworks here, but some would definiately need some touchups. Maybe in a different post.

General Kenobi + Commander Cody - 212th Attack Battalion: This battalion seen many fights, and held the line in many battles, and were also good on the offense.
GK: 30% max health +70% defense, mass assist on jedi heal, buff on clones for spec ability.
Cody: Clone allies gain 30% Critical Chance, and other allies gain half that amount. Cody gains 60% Defense for each living Clone ally and other Clone allies gain half that amount. Clone allies recover 5% of their Max Protection whenever they use a Basic ability.
Their leads combined would make them into a tough hold out team, with lots of defense bonuses, and assists, and we could play on this. Their defenses would be nice, all they need is a bit more damage, so their battalion bonus would be:
Gain +50% critical damage when attacking out of turn.

Jedi Knight Anakin + Captain Rex - 501st Legion: Probably the most prominent Clone unit. Some say Palpatine sent them to important battles to let Anakin gain more recognition. (To be honest, I wouldn't mind a separate General Skywalker, with his TCW looks, just like General Kenobi. and JKA could get a more Ep3 like rework)
Anakin: Jedi and Clone allies gain 30% Offense and 20% Critical Damage and other allies gain half that amount. Whenever an ally is Evaded, they gain Advantage for 2 turns.
Rex: Clone allies gain 20% Max Health, and other allies gain half that amount. In addition, whenever an ally suffers a Critical Hit, all Clone allies gain 15% Turn Meter, and other allies gain half that amount.
As seen here, they'd gain damage bonuses and bonus turn meter when getting hit. Get hit, attack back hard. My problem is, if they get critically hit a lot, they might die before making a difference. So to keep them alive, their battalion bonus is:
Gain 5% health steal, crit chance and defense (stacking) for 2 turns whenever taking damage.

Aayla Secura + Commander Bly - 327th star corps: This unit was in the fights since the start of the Clone Wars to the end. They were constantly in battle, almost never resting, and on diverse worlds. They had to adjust and bear the harsh environments. They were so elite, they were allowed to wear kamas and pauldrons, like ARC troopers.
Aayla: Jedi allies gain 40% Tenacity and recover 10% of their Max Health when they ward off an effect.
I'd modify this to also effect clone allies, maybe at half strength.
Bly was a clone who thought the mission always comes first, even before his clone brethren, he's willing to take losses, to guarantee a success. And he respected Aayla, who also thought the same way. They formed a more closer bond towards the end of the war, like brothers-in-arms. His kit below:

CC-5052 'Bly'

Making it sure (basic): Deal physical damage twice to target enemy. If the enemy is still alive after this attack, gain +15% offense (stacking, up to 100%). This bonus is lost when an enemy is killed by Bly, and he gains turn meter equal to his offense bonus.
Coordinated assault (special): Call all allies to assist, Clone troopers deal guarateed critical hits if they have no debuffs. If a clone ally is at full health during this attack, they lose 10% health, but deal 25% more damage. If the target dies after this attack, its cooldown is reset. if not, lower the enemy's defense by 25% (stacking) and inflict Daze on them, which can't be resisted.
327th Star Corps commander (leader): Clone allies gain doubled tenacity while they have protection, and triple without protection. Clone and jedi allies gain 5% crit chance and crit damage (stacking) whenever they resist a debuff.
Tight bond (unique): Whenever Aayla Secura uses an ability, Bly assists, dealing 20% more damage. When Bly assists, both him and Aayla recovers 5% protection

So I'd want to play on them surviving in harsh environments, from the start of the war, bearing the harshest things, and the tenacity actually fits here. Them having a lot of tenacity giving them further bonuses should be the thing for the unit:
Gain bonus Offense equal to fourth and Defense equal to half of their Tenacity.

Luminara Unduli + Commander Gree - 41st Elite Corps - They were a unit specialized for relations with varius species, often sent on relief missions, forging alliances with indigenous populations, as well as alien recruitment and counter-insurgency experts. This was the unit sent to Kashyyyk at the end of the war, for example.
Luminara: Jedi allies gain 15% Evasion and recover Health equal to 8% of Luminara's Max Health at the start of each of their turns.Non-Jedi allies receive half of the Evasion bonus and Heal effect. Whenever any ally gains a buff they do not have, they gain a Heal Over Time effect for 2 turns.
Gree was loyal to the core to the Republic, he was intrigued by other species, that's the reason for his nickname. He was also a good slicer. And there's a lot of mention of his binoculars for some reason on wikis.

CC-1004 'Gree'

Uncomromising shot (basic): Deal physical damage to target enemy. This attack deals 20% more damage for each Galactic Republic ally.
Survey sweep (special): Copy all non unique buff from all enemy. Target ally and Gree gains all these buffs for 2 turns. Then dispel target enemy. 3 turn CD
Expert slicer (special: Inflict 3 random debuff from the following: Crit chance down, Crit Damage down, Offense down, Defense down, Health down, Speed down, Ability block, or Daze on target enemy for 2 turns. Droid enemies can't resist this effect and also stunned for 1 turn. 3 turn CD
41th Elite Corps commander (leader): Clone allies gain 10% Offense, Defense, health and speed for each separate Faction tags on every enemy and ally. Other allies gain half of this bonus. Whenever an ally gains a buff, they gain 5% turn meter.

With Gree, the faction is already taking shape, knowing other species (factions), and how to fight them. Their Battalion bonus should be about allying with others, and that giving an advantage. With this , the team could be filled with other characters if used in different setups:
Gain 15% Crit Chance and Crit Damage for each non-clone ally, and have a 50% chance to assist them when they use an ability.

Plo Koon + Wolffe - 104th Battalion (Wolfpack) - They were portrayed in the series a lot as coming to the rescue, flying in with LAATs and, picking up stranded units, rescuing the wounded, or as reinforcements. And that's what I'd like to play on here. This is currently portrayed in Wolffe's kit, because,
Plo Koon's lead: Each ally has a 55% chance to remove Stealth from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel any enemies, they gain Offense Up for 1 turn. <- This definiately needs a serious rework
Wolffe was really a by the book soldier, the mission was first, get the job done asap, then onto the next thing. His kit:

CC-3636 'Wolffe'

Steady and sure (basic): Deal physical damage to target enemy, this attack can't be evaded. If it's a critical hit, all allies gain accuracy up for 2 turns.
LAAT support (special): Deal special damage to all enemies and inflict stagger for 2 turns. All allies recover 40% of their max health. Clone allies also recover 40% protection. Allies at max health gain Health up, clone allies with max protection gain Protection up (25%) for 2 turns. 3 turn CD
animation is: you hear an LAAT fly in and its beam cannons swipe through the enemy.
Rescue fly-by (special): Target ally is taken away from the fight until their next turn, on their next turn they return, with full health and protection and Offense, Crit Chance and Crit Damage up for 1 turn. 4 turn CD
animation is: a rope comes down, and pulls up the character, the TM bar remains visible.
Wolfpack leader (leader): Galactic republic allies gain 5% offense, crit chance and protection for each active enemy. Whenever a clone ally defeats an enemy it gains 100% turn meter and resets their cooldown

So I already implemented the LAAT thing in Wolffe's kit, but this getting the job down fast should be represented more on the troopers too:
Gain 15% turn meter whenever an enemy lose protection, falls below half health, or is defeated.

And now some I won't implement here, with the reasons:
Mace Windu + Commander Ponds - Lightning squadron: Ponds died rather early in the Wars, but Windu worked with him a lot. He was the clone commander he met on the battlefield of Geonosis. Anyway this squadron was a subunit of the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, led by Adi Gallia and Commander Neyo. I wouldn't make any kit here until I see the inevitable kit rework for Windo. But based on their squad Ponds could be a speed lead.

Kit Fisto + Commander Monkk : basicly unknown, not enough info in canon nor in legends. No clone unit for Fisto :(

Ki Adi Mundi + Commander Bacara - 21st Nova Corps / Galactic Marines : They look cool, and supposedly they were really badass, tough as nails. But nothing much about them. They are like the Boba Fett of the clone army.

And now, here are the kits for the regular Clone Troopers, who will all have these Clone Battalion uniques.

First off, just a slight touch on clone sarge who I'd first rename:

Clone Heavy Trooper
Z-6 rotary cannon (basic): Deal physical damage twice and gain 50% turn meter on critical hit (can happen once per turn)
Suppressive fire (special): Deal physical damage to all enemies and remove 50% Turn Meter and inflict offense down on critical hits for 2 turns
Concentrated fire (unique): Clone Heavy Trooper gains 4.5% Critical Chance and +10% Critical Damage for each living Clone ally. In addition, he gains Offense Up for 2 turns whenever he critically hits.

Clone Lieutenant
Initiating blast (basic): Deal physical damage to target enemy, and grant 15% Turn Meter to a random ally. If that ally is a clone trooper, grant 10% additional turn meter.
Assault order (special): Dispel all debuffs and grant 100% turn meter to target ally. If that ally is a clone, reduce their CDs by 1. Inflict evasion down and defense down on target enemy. 2 turn CD
Battle hardened officer (unique): While Clone Lieutenant is alive, clone allies have 30% chance to assist whenever a clone uses an ability (only one clone can assist each turn). When a clone ally loses protection, grant them defense up for 2 turns

Clone Trooper
DC-15S Carbine (basic): deal physical damage to target enemy and gain critical chance up for 2 turns. Grant another ally crit chance up for 2 turns on a crit hit.
Strap in (special): Gain 10% protection up for each clone ally, and retribution for 2 turns. Clone allies gain 10% turn meter. 3 turn CD
Brothers all! (unique): Clone Trooper gains +20% defense and +10% crit avoidance for each clone ally, and recovers 5% health and protection when an other clone suffers damage.
Clone Trooper gains Taunts for 1 turn when he attack outside turn.

Clone Sniper
Precision shot (basic): deal physical damage to target enemy. This attack ignores armor and can't be evaded. If the target has evasion down this attack is a guaranteed critical hit, and has +50% crit damage.
Spot the targets (special): Dispel stealth on all enemy. Enemies without stealth are inflicted with expose and evasion down. Clone Sniper gains 50% TM for each stealthed enemy dispelled. 3 turn CD
Repositioning (unique): When Clone Sniper takes critical damage, he gains stealth and +35% offense until the end of his next turn.

Clone Anti-Armor Trooper
Locking target, cover me! (basic): Call a random ally to assist, then gain accuracy up for 3 turns. If Anti-Armor Trooper already had Accuracy up, he gains Offense up for 3 turns. If he already had Offense up, he gains Crit damage up for 3 turns. If the assisting ally is a clone, they also gain these buffs.
Rocket away! (special): Deal physical damage to target enemy. If the enemy had defense up, this attack ignores its defense. Otherwise inflict armor shred. Then remove each buff from Anti-Armor Trooper, and deal bonus damage to target equal to 10% of its max health for each buff removed. If the target is defeated, grant 25% turn meter to all clone allies. Inflict stagger to every other enemy. This ability starts on cooldown. 3 turn CD
Droid poppers (special): Deal special damage to all enemy and inflict protection down on them for 2 turns. This attack deals double damage to droid enemies, and has a 50% chance to stun them for 1 turn. 3 turn CD

PS: About Fives and Echo... well, I think they are a special case, because they were ARC troopers. Kinda like Special Forces. Their kit should get a bit of touch up, and they should get a synergy like Wedge and Biggs. But the 501st Legion part of the Battalion unique probably should apply to them.

And I really thought about adding a Clone Pilot and a V-19 Torrent, but I don't think they really fit in here. Maybe as an addition. The TFP isn't counted as an Imperial Trooper neither.

If you read this whole thing, I thank you, really. You're a real champ. If you have anything you'd like to add, or I might forgotten about, please comment.
  • Great idea. Some kits are a little op, but it would be a nice change of pace. The only clone I would add that is not on your list would be fox, and I would make him more powerful if fives is on the other team. If the devs see your post I hope they consider instituting some of your ideas.
  • I like it. Hopefully CG does something like this, it'd help prevent them from making Revan Meta again