Forum Discussion

Hieroglyphics87's avatar
Seasoned Novice
5 months ago

naboo raid needs a nerf

the raid is insanely and unfairly over-tuned! The raid was reduced to once per week instead of two to three times per week, but now I'm spending equally if not more time in raid than I do in conquest.... I'm on average at least 8-10 hours every raid cycle to get an ok score not a max score just something that's ok.... the raid is to volatile with results, and the droids cheat and heal way to **bleep** much they should not be allowed to recover protection on basics. This raid needs a massive nerf it's way to volatile, and RNG.

  • theXrono's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    the healing and the random turn jumps that enemies get are so annoying. like I'm at 100% tm they are like 90%ish but they move first

  • The first 2 waves are, in some ways, the hardest. After that, you have the three inter-wave bonuses you can select. 

    Are you familiar with how the leader droid grants different bonuses to each droid squad? Vs the dispelling droid you'll want undispellable PotencyUP on yourself, but against the TM jumping droid you'll want the option that inflicts AoE daze against them. 

    If you're trying to work with toons r5 and below, I agree, this raid is terrible compared to others. There simply aren't sufficient bonuses kicking in (or, alternatively, the low-tier enemies get their bonuses too early). At r7 and above, it's generally possible to predict whether you're going to have a good run as soon as the 2nd squad shows up. If the first 2 squads have difficult leader abilities, then you'll be too far behind on the Enrage timer to make it up later with the inter-wave bonuses from the space battle. 

    So again, I agree for tiers below r7, but if you're at r7, try to learn how different leaders affect your strategy. That allows you to forfeit an attempt early if you realize you've gotten bad RNG to start. Then learn to pick the correct inter-wave bonus for the particular enemy you're facing. While this won't always work out well (because you have to kill 2 waves before the next bonus and you don't know what the 2nd leader ability will be) it's generally okay. (The bonus TM squad doesn't prevent or reduce counterattacks, so if, for instance, you have undispellable buffs, you might just crush them quickly even though they're taking all the turns.) 

    There are discord servers and YouTube channels that can help you learn more than you ever thought possible about how to beat this thing. And while it certainly can feel terrible to have to do homework studying up for a game that's supposed to be fun, if you're spending 8-10 hours per raid, I guarantee you that a few hours of study now will dramatically reduce your time investment overall. You might be in net-positive territory after the first week. Certainly after 2 or 3. 

    • Hieroglyphics87's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      most of what I'm doing is R5 and below I tried a few R7's and I get so frustrated I almost throw my phone at a brick wall. I do two AOE's with multiple teams and get them to 1% health and then they go to 100% health and protection for absolutely no reason.  I am on those discord servers even with good mods its so RNG it's like a 1 in 20 chance you can replicate a strategy, and there is no changing a strategy if X commander droid comes multiple times in a row, or you get X amount of dodges on a droideka it's a mulligan and try again.

      • MasterSeedy's avatar
        Rising Ace

        Yeah, I hear you. Don't know what to say except that we're all in it together, so whenever you need to complain, someone will be happy to listen. 

        We have a guild alt account that my leader and I share (so we always have a good account to rotate in while recruiting), and I'm super glad that my leader is responsible for the raid attempts. 

  • vlk27_cz's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Yeah, the healing and TM gain should be tuned down a notch, at least in early tiers. Although I haven't personally testes the full capabilities of Gungans or QA at high relic yet.

  • Evasion on Droidekas is pain. Not every character has dispel, and if you need one additional hit(because they healed themselves during bonus turn) and you miss - you basically won't have enough ma reward from that run...
    bonus turns and heal itself is pain, but evasion on top ... and having a round takes a lot of time, raid feels tiresome... 

    • Tenebrae-3626's avatar
      New Ace

      Yeah, the evasion is annoying. Especially when you consider the cooldowns. Chances are I'm missing something that's mentioned somewhere in the raid, but the DDK's are supposed to have the same cooldowns as the playable version. Meaning, they get the shield for a few turns, it eventually goes away, they take one turn while the special is still on cooldown, the next turn it's ready and they're able to use it again. Instead, they are able to use the shield special immediately, and I mean immediately.

      • BouSomething's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        The evasion is annoying on so many levels because the percentage on the shield coming down is affected by every enemy attack, so missing damage on any attack is brutal because once the shield comes down scoring points in the raid is essentially over

  • Holy crap. 8-10 hours every week?  I’m spending about 90 minutes a week and even that feels like it’ll get old before much longer.

    • CaptainAhen's avatar
      Rising Adventurer

      I'm probably spending a fraction of your efforts, I'd guess I maybe put in 30-60 minutes total for a week. I love the new raid ideas, and I love how we can discard and retry. But that also means they're tuned up so I am actually discarding and retrying, which is pretty frustrating. When I think of the new raids as they release, they're exciting the first run, but anything after I'm just annoyed when I see the raid pop up for the week. It's just more effort than I want to put into it given everything else I'm doing in this game. 

      • Knewonce's avatar
        New Traveler

        Yeah, I definitely won’t spent the time to max score every run long term.  But 90 minutes isn’t awful.  I just don’t understand someone putting in 8-10 hours a week.

  • I just don't get it why everyone is complaining that bad about this raids "difficulty".

    Above g12/relic1 squad owners can skip from here on TLDR.

    Apart of Gungans, which are not speed up farms at the moment, but still without jarjar can score very decent; the other squads are mainly just an alongside farm on the road to GLs and so on. If u then play out the mechanics proper it's just a couple of minutes per raid.

    I have been absent for almost 3 years and had to gear and farm up zlumi squad, zmaul and aswell workin on gungans, aswell doin the same on my alts. But with all that currency stockpiled or proper farming it is just a case of about 2-3 weeks talking about lower difficulty non relic, and here we go I can score max on every squad.

    All those maxed out rosters shouldn't have a problem at all, but the complaints about lower tier is too hard, dunno...

    Only point I see is: the raid is accessible at 5 stars gear whatever. Tbh if u expect to do a score at the actual max level raid with 5star gear whatever then u should also expect weekly shipments of 10k crystals and so on. By my testing the only 5star minimum requirements met squad that is doing some score are non jarjar gungans, but I feel like it is more like a goodie to head up what that full squad will be available to do.

      • xxEvade89xx's avatar
        Seasoned Novice

        As stated above: only exception are gungans.

        5star g9-11, zeta and omicron you are able to hit 160k up to max score, depending on mods, actual gear and if u play it on auto or not.

  • The insane difference in how difficult runs are depending on RNG that the player can’t do anything to mitigate is what’s killing this raid. If I have “good” rng I can complete a run before reaching 60%. The exact same team and strategy can reach the timeout run killer with bad rng before reaching the final space anbility. And the bad rng streak seems more likely to occur, but even if the bad rng only happened 5% of the times it still serves no purpose. Why do you design a game mode this way? It’s not fun, and spending more money doesn’t really help against the bad rng so you give no incentive to spend money neither from a fun factor nor an advantage factor.