"leef;c-1268840" wrote:
"Darklin_Sil;c-1268762" wrote:
it is rather easy to burn her down. as stated above. I believe people are saying she is weak, because she is so easy to burn down, even under a GK lead. G12 has some change to that, but that is only after full upgrade through G12
maybe i'm doing something wrong because i don't think she's easy to burn down. Maybe it's because "easy" is a relative term. I think my win/loss ratio the last ~3 months is 100-1, so one could say everything i face in arena is easy (that includes full g12 teams).
Anyway, Barriss is the 9th most used character by #1 players in the swgoh.gg meta report out of a 100+ characters. You can draw your own conclusions from that fact, but for me that's a clear indication that barriss is far from weak.
Any team that is crit heavy is going to suffer, unless it can out damage the 20% heal. So just go outside the box and instead of relying only on crit and crit damage mods, move to offense mods, or something else of that nature. Unless you are able to do enough damage ( in a single hit ) to get pass the 20% heal.
My FO team that I ran for a very long time had no issues at all with GK+Zarriss teams. Because FOTP could himself, out do any 20% heal that Zarriss put out.
Zylo would put down healing immunity on his counter attacks all the time.
ATF or FAT whichever you want to refer to her as, has HUGE issues with Zarriss, because each of her attacks are counted separately in her big attack. Where as Wedge and Biggs hits are single and large, not multiple and smaller amounts.
There are tons of other options, many have been mentioned already, some have not. But she is weak, in terms of the current meta, because most are moving towards DPS first in G12 builds, but as I did mention above already she does gain surviablity in G12. Maybe I am incorrect terming her as "weak" but weak in anything but her Zeta healing. Do not get me wrong, I understand fully why she is ranked #9, as I use her. In a GK + Zarriss, CLS, R2 and Ezra line up for Arena. There are times I do not get moved at all, and there are times I get moved to the upper teens in a 24hr period.
In a short time I think if the Veterans work out like I think they are going to, it will be an answer to Zarriss anyways. There hits will be large enough to drop pass the 20% by a large margin. The only "nerf" she needed, was the fix they already did back after giving her the Zeta, removing the effect from the rest of the squad, when she dies. Other then that, she is fine IMHO. Not because I use her, but because there are many counters for her out there already in place.