Forum Discussion

angelstar729's avatar
7 years ago


Has anyone noticed that a "neutral" filter has been added for both characters and ships? What could this mean for the future?

Is Revan finally coming? Or are we getting some neutral characters unrelated to anything?
  • "Mos_Grievous1337;d-181083" wrote:
    Or are we getting some neutral characters unrelated to anything?

    Presumably they'd be related to Star Wars.

    I'm guessing...

  • Everyone has noticed. Three threads or more a day on this just now. This is the best explanation:

    "YaeVizsla;c-1636059" wrote:
    CG Top Hat explained on Reddit.

    T3 was supposed to be neutral. It broke stuff. So they implimented the neutral tag, but have no current plans to put it to use.

    Revan is not confirmed.

  • yes, revan is coming, and we need CUP, Lobot and ugnaught, gamorrean guard and mob enforcer for it, and they need to be g12 and have at least one 6* mod on each one of them. get them ready!
    also Jedi luke, that requires 7* traya, 7* wampa, 7* Hoda, 7* jar jar and 7* C3PO that will both be released with marquee tommorow.
    also, "The Father" will be joining the game in 2 weeks and will also have the neutral tag. will require 8* The Son and the daughter (8* will be unlocked next week, as well gear lvl 13, and level 90). this is ONE time even, if you dont get him now, you never get him, and hes super-duper OP. the son and daughter is pack-only, 1000$ for each to get to 8*.


    is that what you want to hear ? if yes, we can STOP WITH THESE THREADS ALL THE TIME. no one knows, and whoever knows, not gonna tell.