Grrrrrrrrrrreer7 years agoNew Capital Ships?The last TW has highlighted this issue and would like to know if more capital ships are coming soon. Those with a full roster of ships cannot fully utilize their fleets because of the limited numb...Show More
HK22857 years agoThere are several different options for capital ships that people have been posting over the years.Nute Gunray - Lucrehulk BattleshipGeneral Grevious - Invisible HandGeneral Hux - Resurgent Star DestroyerAdmiral Ackbar/General Leia/Admiral Holdo - RaddusAdmiral Piett - SSD ExecutorGeneral Antilles - SSD Luskayana Since we have two ISD's in the game, we could also do this one for kicks and giggles.General Kenobi - Negotiator (Venator)
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