Admiral karath, while the idea is kind of similar to mon I had it first, essentially he calls in a sith trooper to fight and as he levels up more he is able to call in a second trooper and eventually a commando with cooldowns between them. Also thought of the rakghoul infects both enemies and allies with a dot and speed reduction but every unit who dies of the disease comes back as an allied rakghoul. Scout trooper on speeder bike who buffs and taunts by punching his saddle bag. Moff Gideon should be the raid boss where you fight through some scout troopers and basic troopies and then you hvae a number of shootouts with a bunch of storm troopers and the final battle is against a tie fighter. I think beskar Mando will be out around the time of the end of season 2 as I predict he will have the dark saber so you could give him something like chewie and threepio where the child follows and buffs him passively, also definitely the razor crest. I agree on bounty hunter ventress completely. Bendak starkiller would be a great Mando leader maybe with a duelest unique where if he is the last man standing he gets a bunch of buffs to his attacks. The armorer would also be a great Mando leader that can buff allies and use the this is the way leadership so that Mando allies always attack after the actions of others. Also would love to see then leviathan malaks capital ship