You need a dispeller to go against that team.
If you wait until Baze's first turn is over you will have lost all TM advantage and Wiggs will have undoubtedly deleted someone from your squad by then, in which case Baze will just taunt again.
Mace and Echo are your only dispellers at the moment (I know Boba can with Execute but you really need to save that to take care of Chirrut).
If you can have a dispeller TM loaded and ready to go, that's all you really need them even if they are weak.
Stun Wedge if possible, ability block Chirrut and let some HOT's rack up. Take out Chirrut first followed by Wedge, Biggs/B2, and Baze last.
I'm thinking Rex lead will probably work best.
With B2 on that team, if you are lucky he will crit and give your team extra TM.
It would be tough, but that's about the best I can recommend with that roster. Something like this:
Rex Lead
Boba Fett