"DarthSmurfX" wrote:
I hate math. So can anyone just answer these simple questions?
1. Defense mods on Savage Opress? (Yes/No)
2. Defense mods on Sith Trooper? (Yes/No)
3. Defense mods on Darth Sion? (Yes/No)
Thanks. I'll check back in a week to see the results. Do not disappoint me again.
No, because the question is imprecise. Are you considering to use three sets of defense mods or just one? Toons being widely used in arena such as Sion will often use a speed set, which just leaves room for one additional set. It should go without saying that there is no way to compare benefits from defense mods with anything but health mods. If that is the question:
- Use defense mods instead of health mods on toons that already have a high base armor value or on toons that get an armor boost from abilites. This includes all of the toons you mentioned.
- Use health mods if the above does not apply or if the toon relies on health based abilites like healers. Also use them if the toon is still on a lower gear level and doesn't have a lot of protection.
- For Jedi under Bastila lead it's more difficult to say as protection up is health based but bonus protection lasts longer with higher armor. Here one would have to calculate the optimum for each toon.