Forum Discussion

entus1's avatar
6 years ago

NEW non-Bossk NERFS for BH

Since the Bossk Nerf, do you think the other Bounty Hunters will also get nerfed since they fit the same requirements Bossk did?
  • "Entus;c-1699858" wrote:
    The leader skills are inconsistent. That other guy was trying to say that we should look at new meta data to determine if bossks skill.was a mistake or not. Obviously they already changed his skill in so it will not tell us how his original skill looked. A pointless argument with 0 ground to stand on.

    I must be a glutton for punishment because here I am again...

    My logic is not based solely, or even mostly, on the new mechanics. It took into account the mechanics for all 10 bounty hunters, Bossk's old behavior, Bossk's new behavior, and a couple of experiments. I'll do away with Bossk's new behavior this time.

    Before I try one more time to explain I'd just like to point out that:

    In response to a question on whether or not all Bounty Hunter payout markers can move mid turn you stated: "Yes they all do....every single bh. Sorry i thought that was understood."

    Testing proved that Dengar's does not so your statement is not accurate.

    In further response to, I think, the same question you said: "Auras is easy, you can do it yourself, takes 5 seconds. If she is not buffed and uses hustle, it counts towards contract. I know this because I use her often."

    Testing also proved that this is not accurate.

    So... with that I offer:

    Static markers: Aurra (self), Boba (damage specific enemy based on event), Dengar (damage specific enemy based on stats), Greedo (damage specific enemy based on TM), IG-88 (critical hit on any enemy with a debuff)

    Dynamic markers: Bossk (damage specific enemy based on stats), Cad (add debuff to any enemy), Embo (damange any enemy without a debuff), Jango (damage any enemy with a debuff), Zam (apply TD, otherwise known as bomb_debuff, to any enemy)

    Looking at those two lists I see a fair amount of consistency and two somewhat obvious inconsistencies, both of which were pointed out many posts ago. Bossk, whose payout depends on hitting a specific enemy based on protection+health, and IG-88, whose payout counter increments with any enemy. They should swap spots. They moved Bossk, maybe they'll move IG-88 soon too. Who knows? I suppose there might be issues with moving him if his basic or special apply debuffs before doing damage (maybe that's why he's in the wrong list?)

    I would suggest that a stronger argument could be made for moving all of the Bounty Hunters to either static or dynamic. But then you have to pick sides. Are you a Bossk person that wants every Bounty Hunter to be dynamic? Or are you a Dengar person that should want every Bounty Hunter to be static?
  • "jhbuchholz;c-1699954" wrote:
    "Entus;c-1699858" wrote:
    The leader skills are inconsistent. That other guy was trying to say that we should look at new meta data to determine if bossks skill.was a mistake or not. Obviously they already changed his skill in so it will not tell us how his original skill looked. A pointless argument with 0 ground to stand on.

    I must be a glutton for punishment because here I am again...

    My logic is not based solely, or even mostly, on the new mechanics. It took into account the mechanics for all 10 bounty hunters, Bossk's old behavior, Bossk's new behavior, and a couple of experiments. I'll do away with Bossk's new behavior this time.

    Before I try one more time to explain I'd just like to point out that:

    In response to a question on whether or not all Bounty Hunter payout markers can move mid turn you stated: "Yes they all do....every single bh. Sorry i thought that was understood."

    Testing proved that Dengar's does not so your statement is not accurate.

    In further response to, I think, the same question you said: "Auras is easy, you can do it yourself, takes 5 seconds. If she is not buffed and uses hustle, it counts towards contract. I know this because I use her often."

    Testing also proved that this is not accurate.

    So... with that I offer:

    Static markers: Aurra (self), Boba (damage specific enemy based on event), Dengar (damage specific enemy based on stats), Greedo (damage specific enemy based on TM), IG-88 (critical hit on any enemy with a debuff)

    Dynamic markers: Bossk (damage specific enemy based on stats), Cad (add debuff to any enemy), Embo (damange any enemy without a debuff), Jango (damage any enemy with a debuff), Zam (apply TD, otherwise known as bomb_debuff, to any enemy)

    Looking at those two lists I see a fair amount of consistency and two somewhat obvious inconsistencies, both of which were pointed out many posts ago. Bossk, whose payout depends on hitting a specific enemy based on protection+health, and IG-88, whose payout counter increments with any enemy. They should swap spots. They moved Bossk, maybe they'll move IG-88 soon too. Who knows? I suppose there might be issues with moving him if his basic or special apply debuffs before doing damage (maybe that's why he's in the wrong list?)

    I would suggest that a stronger argument could be made for moving all of the Bounty Hunters to either static or dynamic. But then you have to pick sides. Are you a Bossk person that wants every Bounty Hunter to be dynamic? Or are you a Dengar person that should want every Bounty Hunter to be static?

    Sorry , when i answred initially, it was for bh that people use in lead spot. No one uses dengar as lead. All the relevant bh leads, worked like Bossk did.

    Again, you must be a glutton for punishment, because before the update, Bossk was grouped differently. He was moved after the change. Or maybe he wasnt. The point is, you are using his new skill meta data. Which makes any point, irrelevant in that context.

    But lets skip the basic logic used there. Lets say that you are correct. Guess what? Still irrelevant.

    We werent advertised Bossk with start of turn mechanics. We havent been using Bossk with start of turn mechanics for months. No one complained about Bossks ability so no one was scouring through the meta data wondering if the Bossk they just bought was broken somehow. If they intended he have start of turn mechanics, it would have said it in his skill desc like everyone elses. If the unit was bugged, too bad. They sold us something else entirely amd they should just have let it go. Instead its going to get nasty.

    What you are seeing here is called false advertisement. We were sold one thing, then months later the product was changed making the original product useless. Regardless of the reason for change. If his gamepley would have affected other units or broke part of another event, ok, i get it. It didnt. If it did, CG certainly hasnt come out to explain themselves.

    Im not sure why you or any player thinks this is acceptable. Im guessing you dont use BH. If you cant see how this is dangerous, I dont know what to tell you. Instead of cheerleading for CG, why dont you actuslly think about how dangerous this precedent can be
  • "Boov;c-1700216" wrote:
    Okay, they should nerf/fix jango aswell, problem solved.

    Agreed. Make them all work the same. Do it now before everyone works to get him, rather than wait for all of the F2P players to get him and *then* decide the “bug” needs to be fixed.
  • 1) I specifically said I was ignoring Bossk's new behavior in my last post. Not sure why you think I'm still using it.

    2) By using only "relevant bh leads" in your argument you're employing a type of Confirmation Bias. Selecting only the data that confirms your preexisting beliefs or hypothesis. This is my strongest clue that you're not open to considering all the information and just want to yell about a change you don't like.

    3) "If they intended he have start of turn mechanics, it would have said it in his skill desc like everyone elses" - Literally no other BH that has these mechanics says "Start of Turn" in their skill description. Have a look at Aurra, Dengar, Greedo, or IG-88 if you don't believe me.
  • To the OP, the way I see it with Bossks nerf is it made him worse on defence - much worse, so we have to use Jango now, which was their plan all along.

    Unless they also fix/nerf Jango, which would be funny.

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