Forum Discussion

TlMMEH's avatar
7 years ago

New raid isn't difficult, its Dum

You made a hundred neat characters, gave them abilities, friends, synergies! It was great.
Then you made a raid that you didn't want people to beat.
So you disabled every kit, combo, and synergy, and made it a pure GP check.
Counter Attacks? NOPE
Assists? NOPE
TM Removal? NOPE
Double Tap? NOPE
Attack Fast? NOPE
Rezzes? NOPE
Buffs? NOPE
Debuffs? NOPE
Triggers? NOPE
Heals? NOPE
The only reason expose was working was because it didn't count as an attack, but that's about to be gone too.
So is the raid difficult? Yea. That was your goal. But there are a hundred different ways to make a raid difficult without taking away every aspect of what makes the heroes we are using fun.
Nobody wants to slam their head against a wall 5 times a day getting 1m damage each by essentially white hitting and not using any abilities except the three provided by the raid itself.
With that in mind, Time consuming =/= Difficult. Anybody can beat T6. It is a battle of attrition. Just throw in your best 5 squads and push auto every day for a week or a more. But if we are all essentially doing a Territory Battle length endeavor with this raid, maybe the rewards should be on par with that, rather than on par with a Pit Raid that we complete on auto in 4 minutes.
  • The previous raid at least had some sort of path we had to take to beat them. In Pit it was TM reduction. In Tank it was TM-gain and burst damage (to deal with turrets and adds). In Trium its.... damage. Just lots and lots of damage. Just 5 teams worth simple damage, with just enough survivability to get to enrage.

    So I guess we're just waiting on them releasing toons who can do 100K attacks consistently and then it'll be fine.
  • I honestly don't mind the stacking tenacity by itself it's an interesting mechanic to work around.

    My biggest problem is debuff proc rates. So phase 1 against nihilus using my Jedi don't laugh, attack minions Yoda gives tenacity up so no defense down and I can attack freely. Now I have 5 buffs gotta stop protection regen. Keep attacking minions until it's Anakins turn and then first shot on nihilus Anakin basic while he still has normal tenacity, but with only 70% chance to apply healing immunity I have to restart several times to get it to land.

    I could mod for potency which would give me a better chance to land my debuff but I still only have a 70% chance to apply it. If the proc rate In the Sith raid and only the Sith raid was set to be 100% default it might be worth trying to work around the potency check but right now instead I just restart 5-10 times till I get some decent starting rng which I hate doing