"Honrinedc;86418" wrote:
What's up with these new toons.
B2 destroys squad, shoretrooper auto tauts with health gain, fives hitting like an attacker.
Come on devs, I love the game but balance with the toons is needed.
Let's hear others thoughts on this.
The only one on that list you can't farm yourself is shore. The other two you can farm. And fives only hits hard if you mod him heavily for offense same with b2. I've farmed fives and love him. B2 is halfway done it's a toss up between him and wedge getting finished first.
"benacrow;839350" wrote:
There has been a giant power creep recently giving toons like 5 OP abilities (Baze) and toons with powers that make every other dispeller obsolete (B2).
Only B2 and Baze are in this category for me because they both make every other similar toon completely obsolete. Why have a dispeller when B2 can dispel all and apply buff immunity. Oh, and he goes basically every turn. Then Baze makes all other taunters useless. Gains TM, counters, aoe dispels, single target dispels, auto taunts, insta taunts, etc.
Baze isn't exactly super common though. Some of us didn't have the 66k shards avalible to get him when he was in the shard shop. And there is no reliable way of getting him. (Rng cards have too much weighting for me to count them).