8 years ago
Next QOL update: Gear shop
There was a time when there was no use for shards after you got a toon to 7*. Than they created the shard shop and you could transfer the shards and buy some other shards. Great solution.
For Gear they created a system where you could get Gear from your guildies. Everybody needs the same Gear (Carbanti, Stun Guns etc.) and most request include pieces that are hard to obtain. Some Gear pieces I have more than 2000 of and they don't get used and nobody is requesting them too.
I think a system similar to the shard shop would be far better than the current system. I don't even care If the conversion rate is really bad. Even 15 to 1 would be something.
If this is to hard to implement than at least fix the Gear shop.
2 Raid items pro day is crazy. Make them equal to the other purple pieces (5!). I have a lot of Furnaces, but I can only send two at a time. I could use Droid callers, but I can only get 2 at a time.
There are also some items from HAAT Raid that cannot be requested.