6 months agoRising Rookie
Nongreat Mothers
discourage the desire to play That mothers are so unbalanced thing, you throwing all you done , with all last such heroes All we invested , by including real money becameing trash
Their priority is the "new shiny" and making it something you go into FOMO mode about. NOT about balance or logical balancing. CG can't balance their way out of a wet paper bag, but there isn't any redress for making something ridiculously overpowered. (Unless of course if it favors the player in a PVE setting. Only THEN does it get corrected.)
Galactic Legends are supposed to be the "Top Tier" and yet they just aren't. Each GL has "off meta" counters, though datacrons like Plo Koon's and Eeth Koth's make them what they should be already. But again, it doesn't matter because Galaxy of Datacrons continues on.
Their priority and mission statement is, "Shut up and Spend money!" That's all.