Forum Discussion

DrStewartH's avatar
4 years ago

Normal Fleet 5-E problem

Has anyone else tried to run Fleet node normal 5-E Hoth and seen Tarkins capital ship attack way too often? He will attack once and call a reinforcement before I complete 1 turn with my ships. He will then attack once more, call a reinforcement and attack a 3rd time (killing me by now) before I get 2 turns with any ship or my capital ship. Basically attacking 4-5 times before I get a second turn.

I don’t see anything that suggests this should be happening.
  • If you don't understand something, read the kits of the characters or ships involved.

    You are shooting at TIE Fighters which evade and grant TM to their capital ship when they do so successfully.
  • More gear for the pilots of your starting 3 fighters and first reinforcement.

    And you'll probably want to move to a HT + 2 Geos starting lineup, as HT is an excellent tank.
  • "Rath_Tarr;c-2296193" wrote:
    If you don't understand something, read the kits of the characters or ships involved.

    You are shooting at TIE Fighters which evade and grant TM to their capital ship when they do so successfully.

    Fair enough. Any tips to beat this level? Is there a ship that blocks TM gain or damages off it? I must be missing something because what's happening doesn't make sense based on the ships abilities (that I see).

    I tried it again and the TM gain isn't related to evasion because I have no misses. It has to be any time his ships attack he gains TM and lots of it. Tarkin opens the fight with an attack and then his entire team attacks. I attack with my 2 remaining ships and capital ship buffs and kill one tie (no misses). Tarkin reinforces and then his entire team attacks again. Tarkin attacks immediately after and then his team attacks again. Its my cap ships turn and I reinforce and get 1 attack with the reinforcement (no misses). Tarkin then reinforces and his entire team attacks. Tarkin takes another turn and buffs his team and his 3 ships attack again. I get 1 turn with my remaining ship and then Tarkin uses his ultimate. I've used every ship I have and can't come close and the fact that my fleet can withstand that much damage tells me my ships are strong enough but I'm missing something.

    I'm not complaining, I need help because I literally have no idea how to beat this and feel like I should based on progression to this point unless this node is specifically designed as a progress gate. Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Forgot that the first time. My mistake
  • I cleared this today and thought I'd wrap this up by telling others what I did.
    I used HT with Ahsoka and every other tank I had under Tarkin. After the opening enemy attacks Ahsoka cleansed debuffs from her and HT to give him counter attack. That allowed me to stall with my tanks until I got to Tarkins ultimate.
    Hope this helps anyone else struggling with this one. Good luck.