Forum Discussion

GrubbyVenus5769's avatar
3 years ago

Not sure about opponent in GAC

This is his GG account

And this is mine

Now for reference, this is his roster at first glance. Seems normal at first

I was lucky enough to see him attack my defenses, but it seemed odd that he got as far as he did without a GL on my SEE team. He cleared my top territory first too.

And then there's this

I can't tell if that's a glitch or some sort or a hack of whatever kind. All I know is that he shouldn't have won on the first try with my Tie fighter at 100% health and still on the field.

Is this fishy or not? I hardly post about these things, but this particular Opponent got my attention. And yes, I already flagged it in-game.
  • "Artumas;c-2351916" wrote:
    So, firstly: SEE sucks on defense. Plain and simple.
    Without knowing the specifics of what HIS defenses looked like, I can see several teams that could've easily killed SEE's teammates with no issue. In fact, had that DR team not been on defense, there's a legitimate chance it could've just fully cleared SEE lol. Unlikely, but a chance.

    The Tie fighter thing is odd, but also might just be a weird bug - I've seen similar display bugs with reinforcements before, specifically with tie fighter I think as well.

    While there's a chance at foul play, it's not guaranteed.
    Again, SEE sucks on defense. I have like 5 standard non-GL teams that can first try sub-optimal SEE teams. And like 5 standard characters that could probably literally solo yours. It's why I get so confused when I see him on defense if someone has more than 1 GL.

    The Tie Fighter thing is definitely the strangest thing there.

    Thanks for clearing that up! I'm pretty much forced to have SEE on defense with how my Roster is, but the reason it does so good are the mods. And again, I wasn't sure about the whole thing.
  • I forgot to post it here, but these were the opponent's defenses. Ships are not included because that's an area I'm slowly working on lol

  • "Artumas;c-2351916" wrote:

    Again, SEE sucks on defense. I have like 5 standard non-GL teams that can first try sub-optimal SEE teams. And like 5 standard characters that could probably literally solo yours. It's why I get so confused when I see him on defense if someone has more than 1 GL.

    Just to add to this, the mods on all the characters in the SEE team are as follows (speed only): SEE with 556 speed, Nihilus at 284, Talon at 312, Traya at 316 and Sion at 299. Factor in the +20 from Talon unique and +40 from SEE lead and that's +60 extra speed. So that's why I found it hard to believe he was able to almost 3 shot it considering what he has is mostly reliced LS toons.
  • Looking at his GAC history he has used GG vs SEE in the past, which is what I would have guessed based on his roster. GG can beat SEE, though his lack of relics on most of the team and only R5 on GG is likely why he stalled out vs his last opponent, and vs you. Nothing in the brief bit of GAC history I looked at was suspicious to me, and I've seen multiple people posting about that weird fleet issue, which leads me to lean towards it being a visual bug.
  • "DMG_SW;c-2352016" wrote:
    Looking at his GAC history he has used GG vs SEE in the past, which is what I would have guessed based on his roster. GG can beat SEE, though his lack of relics on most of the team and only R5 on GG is likely why he stalled out vs his last opponent, and vs you. Nothing in the brief bit of GAC history I looked at was suspicious to me, and I've seen multiple people posting about that weird fleet issue, which leads me to lean towards it being a visual bug.

    Ok, no problem. Thanks for clarifying that! It just seemed odd at first. I'll probably update this when this week ends just to see if that was the case.