How has noone referenced the mechanics section in
There are 2 distinct revive immunity parts to the code. One is linked to the base ability "Terminate":
Apply Effect
Context #2
To Self who is Alive
Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
Effect expires on:Perform Move
Child effect is applied on:Kill
Context Returned: Target(s) and if effect succeeded in applying
Context #0
For Current Target from Enemy Side who is Alive or Dead
Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
Effect is unresistable
Descriptive revive_immunity
Effected revive
Context Returned: Target(s) and if effect succeeded in applying
Basically if the move causes a kill, the target can't be revived.
But also there is a revive immunity linked to Deathmark:
Apply Effect
Context #5
To Current Target from Enemy Side who is Alive
This effect will EXECUTE if the previous query returned CONTEXT_VALUE > 0
Apply child effect(s) based on condition triggers
Effect is unresistable
Effect expires on:2xFull Turn Complete,Encounter End,Persistent Effect Add Instancestealth_buff,Revive,Remove Persistent Effectdeathmark_debuff
Child effects are applied on:Receive Damage
Context Returned: Target(s) and if effect succeeded in applying
Context #0
For Self who is Alive
Where an active effect doesn't have tag revive_immunity
Applies an Immunity effect to the target(s)
Effect is unresistable
Descriptive revive_immunity deathmark_revive_immunity
Effected revive
Context Returned: Target(s) and if effect succeeded in applying
So basically revive immunity is a hidden tag that accompanies the Deathmark debuf, expiring when the debuf expires.
So both Terminate and Deathmark cause revive immunity.