Forum Discussion

386ff92f7b6ea3c's avatar
8 years ago

Old events - forest moon and military might, will they back?

There are still in achievments for people who didnt do it. Will it be back? I really need vader shards to finish him ;)
  • IMHO, there are many events that should come regularly, so people will have more content to play all the time. Lately has improved with the tournaments (although many don't like them).
    For those who think that we already have enough content and we spend enough time in the game, is easy: if you do not want to play the extra content, do not play it, but let others have fun.
  • Military Might is, like, a week away :P So, yeah, it'll come back!

    All events will cycle back around eventually. They might change, but they'll still happen--kind of like how the Droids Fight Back event is being altered to give it more tiers this time. The only ones that don't seem to be coming back are the Jedi Challenges (or whatever they were called) from this past Spring, where you would fight a few rounds and get Aayla shards, or the one after for Kit Fisto. Those got cancelled, and instead the characters just got put into Cantina nodes.

    ...Don't get me started on that.