Forum Discussion

Kornby's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 hours ago

Old LSBs and New Ships

Maybe this is a good time to give people the same opportunity that was given to everyone that started before October 2023.

The Din Djarin bundle cut the number of nodes needed to farm for executor in half and the lack of this bundle is the reason I went for profundity... as I wait for the old lsbs to return.

Now that Profundity is no longer worthy of a journey ship... maybe let us buy the beskar pack so we are not at a massive disadvantage in fleet as we farm the 3-4 nodes needed for beskar? Maybe it is time to bring those packs back? Or maybe just tell us your plan for the old packs? Please?

I get you may want to make the reoccurrence rare so people feel obligated to buy all LSBs... but maybe it has been long enough?

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