Forum Discussion

EdSolo75's avatar
New Scout
7 years ago

Orbital Bombardment Bug

I may have never noticed this before or the ability has changed. In the current TB, I start a combat wave, the enemy uses orbital bombardment and I finish the wave with the ability at 0 or 10%. Next wave, it is ready to go at 100%. Rinse and repeat through the next four waves.

I don't remember it being like this before. Was there a change or is this a bug?

3 Replies

  • Really? The description says the ability starts on cooldown and I'm pretty sure I don't recall seeing it going from 0% to 100% between waves.
  • IIRC bombardment did have interwave cooldown when introduced. It was changed later (probably at the beginning of the year). Left unnoticed cause platoons used to be filled. Lower GP guilds (which couldn't fill platoons) must remember better.
    It was a thing when DS TB started that was changed due to numerous complaints:
    "The Strafing Run ability will no longer fire at the start of a wave".
    But soon bombardment at the start of every wave was introduced in LS TB (without any notification about change ofc). To make LS TB more challenging probably. And with new platoons this challenge can amuse a lot of guilds