Forum Discussion

dwinkelm's avatar
9 years ago

Order of operations - needs clarification/rework

I frequently find myself confused with order of operations when it comes to sequencing an attack. What I mean by that, is that frequently the effects of attacking an opponent often precedes the end-results of such an attack. I'll use TM manipulation to demonstrate what I mean.

Let's say I have a zeta Darth Maul... totally bad-@ss, right? Wrong. Totally negated by an omega Rex (or even a non-omega, purple-mat Rex).

In my example, zeta Darth Maul starts the encounter stealthed, and uses his basic attack in the opening round, causing his stealth to expire and granting him advantage. On his next turn, Maul uses his Whirling Blades special, dealing critical damage to all enemies (remember he has advantage), inflicting Daze (which prevents TM gain, amongst other things). However if you're fighting a Rex-lead squad, Rex grants TM gain to all his allies from his leader ability BEFORE the effects of Daze are applied, resulting in a very audible, cringe-worthy, Darth Vaderian "NOOOOooooooooooooo!!!"

WHY!?!? why does Rex grant TM BEFORE Darth Maul even finishes his attack? Is this a bug, an inconsistent mechanic, or WAI??

I would like to humbly suggest an order-of-operations, much like we learned in primary school, for the mechanics of all game actions. For all toons performing an action:

First: apply all buffs/debuffs granted by the action

Second: deal damage/heal (if applicable)

Third: apply the "reaction" from the initial action to all enemies and allies

Doesn't this just make a whole heck of a lot more sense, or am I whining? Let's discuss.

2 Replies

  • I agree, when a character is stunned they lose out on counter attacks and such, but when a daze is applied and the icon is up, they still get to act through the daze? Makes no sense at all. If I daze you, it shouldn't apply after a period of time but right away.

    Same is true with shock effect, it applies right away, Biggs won't gain his 100% TM if shocked, he doesn't get shock, gain TM then attack. At least I'm fairly confident on that.

    This is lazy programming and needs to be addressed.
  • scuba75's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    9 years ago
    I think it is only a problem with Maul. I believe also the turn he inflicts daze the opponents can counter also.
    K2SO doesn't have that issue, devs need to take a look and fix it.