Ok ChaosDoom,
I played your team and lost. I had three toons - Phasma, GS, and QJG at medium health (still green) against your Dooku at the end. Dooku took 2 turns, I hit him with GS and QGJ assist, then he took 5 turns in a row and killed them all. I was blown away, I thought I had that one in the bag.
When I played you the second time I beat you. The match went like this:
Your Dooku stunned QGJ
Your GS shot at my GS, who dodged, but took damage assist from Dooku
My GS shot your dooku, no assist from stunned QGJ, Dooku countered
My Poe taunted
My Phasma Victory March
My RP shot Dooku, with GS Assist, Dooku died
My GS shot RG, who dodged
Your RG applied defense up
Your Asoka hit Poe
Your Rex hit Tenacity up
Your GS hit Poe
Your Rex shot Poe
Your Asoka killed Poe
Your RG hit my GS
My QJG hit your GS, who dodged, and my RP assists with hit
My Phasma Fusillade
My RP killed your GS
Your RG hit my GS
Your Asoka hit my Phasma
Your Rex hit my Phasma
My QJG hit your Asoka with RP assist, which she dodged.
My Phasma hit your Asoka
Your RG hit my Phasma and stunned him
My RP hit your Asoka with GS assist, your Asoka died
Now it is GS, Phasma, RP, QGJ against RG and Rex
My GS hits RG with QJG assist
My QGJ hit RG
Your Rex hits Phasma
Your RG applies buff up
My GS kills your RG
My QGJ hits Rex
My RP kills Rex
I took a video, of both matches but they are like 65 MB each.
EDIT: Spelling and a shout out RP for this performance:
My RP shot Dooku, with GS Assist, Dooku died
My RP killed your GS
My RP hit your Asoka with GS assist, your Asoka died
My RP kills Rex
2nd Edit - Interesting Stats - You made 15 moves, I made 16. You had one assists from GS first turn, I had 5 assists.