Forum Discussion

purplepollen's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Will we get another Director Krennic character? What happens to outdated kits?

Director Krennic and even Tarkin could have some really interesting abilities and synergy not just together but alone with other non leader characters, do the devs typical update kits, or do they create a new character as a replacement? Director Krennic sucks but maybe they could add a mechanic that upgrades older kits to something more relevant.

  • I know it's not the popular thing, but I often am able to use "worthless" toons in Conquest to achieve feats without draining too much stamina from characters needed elsewhere. 

    Krennic, for instance, has AoE stagger. Maul gains Frenzy at the beginning of a battle, so you can use Maul (L), Wat Tambor, Colonel Starck, Mara Jade, and Krennic with a couple of Ruthless swiftness disks and bash out 50 or 100 Staggers in just a couple battles. The only toon that gets much conquest use in that lineup is Wat, and you only need 20% stamina. 

    I'm not saying that the ability to use the toon for 3 conquests per year makes the toon great, but it is possible to find some fun with less useful toons. (I mean, Maul is very solid, but he's not much of a go-to in Conquest unless there is a need to field a full Mando squad). 

    Remember, some toon is going to be the worst toon in the game no matter what you do. If you keep giving older toons bumps, then you're hastening power creep and the day that your GLs are useless. 

    If you love Krennic, that's great, and I support you in advocating for a favourite character of yours. But I disagree with the idea that older toons need upgrades merely because they are older toons created in a time with a different average power level. 


    • purplepollen's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Oh i know there will always be worse toons etc, but not completely useless yknow? Like the main imperial trooper team is filled with leaders, it comes off as quite a waste in my opinion. Doesnt have to be meta breaking, but something unique but still good, to add more flavor to the game.

      • MasterSeedy's avatar
        Rising Ace

        That's a good and reasonable ask. 

        Don't forget, though, that just because there's a better toon doesn't mean it's useless in, say, conquest where you can only use your best toons so many times. 

  • Rhombi's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    With Krennic appearing in the upcoming Season 2 of Andor, maybe that will help your cause for a rework of this character?