4 years agoNew Scout
Our Genuine Rework Idea: Rebels series #1 (4 Hoth Rebels)
This section contains our rework ideas for these characters:
Rebel Officer Leia Organa;
Captain Han Solo;
Hoth Rebel Soldier;
Hoth Rebel Scout.
Here, big shout out to @Ichiraikou, thanks for helping me develop better ideas in the past few months. We tried our best to make the rework ideas as rigorous, viable, and enjoyable as possible. By the way, @Ichiraikou has some pretty rework ideas too, which may be highly overlooked.
In case you guys want to check out his work, I will put some of his symbolic works here.
Mace Windu:
Darth Sidious:
Darth Maul + Savage Oppress:
We genuinely hoped that CG Devs would take a glimpse of our work, because we are not randomly tossing our ideas here to bother people, and these rework ideas took us months to forge and polish. I do hope that I have the ability to attach related animations for each ability, but that's just my pipe dreams because I don't have time and right to do so. Anyway, it's time to bring up some rework for some iconic old characters.
REMARK: bolded words and sentences are the changes we suggested, and some of them are indicated with GREEN color. In addition, all characters' portrait are credited to
1. Rebel Officer Leia Organa (Rework)
Light Side, Attacker, Leader, Rebel
DESCRIPTION: Tenacious and Daring Rebel attacker who spreads Hope for her allies and assists to keep her crew alive.
Basic: Hold Off
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. Then grant the unique buff Hope to the weakest ally who doesn’t have it for 1 turn. If she uses her Basic attack during her turn or during an enemy’s turn, Leia gains Hope for 1 turn.
Hope: Immune to Fear and Tenacity Down. Hope can’t be copied or prevented. Some Rebels will gain other bonuses if they have Hope.
Special 1: Rebel Barrage (Cooldown: 14)
Deal Physical damage 10 times to random enemy targets. Enemies struck more than once suffer Ability Block for one turn. Empire enemies can’t resist this Ability Block. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever Leia scores a critical hit or suffers a debuff. These attacks can’t be countered. If Leia has Hope, this attack can’t be evaded and the Ability Blocks inflicted can’t be dispelled.
Special 2: Emergency Plan (Cooldown: 6) (NEW ABILITY)
Dispel all debuffs from all Light Side allies, and grant them Hope for 1 turn. Then swap Turn Meter with target Light Side ally. All Light Side allies gain a following buff for 2 turns based on their role:
Attacker: Defense Penetration Up
Tank: Taunt
Support/Healer: Stealth
Then deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Speed Down on them for 2 turns, which can’t be countered. This ability starts on cooldown, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Light Side ally falls below 60% Health.
Leader: (ZETA) Battlefront Command
Rebel allies have +20% Critical Chance, +30% Critical Avoidance, and +40% Tenacity. Rebel allies with Hope are immune to Turn Meter removal, have +50% Defense, and recovers 2.5% Health and Protection at the end of every Rebel ally’s turn. At the start of each encounter, Rebel allies gain Hope for 1 turn. The first time each turn a Rebel ally resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 20% Turn Meter.
Unique: (ZETA) Dauntless
Leia has +60% Counter Chance and +40% Tenacity. If Captain Han Solo is an ally, he gains these bonuses as well. Leia assists when the weakest ally uses their abilities during their turn. In addition, the first time each turn Leia resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, she gains 15% Turn Meter and +35% Offense until the end of her next turn.
2. Captain Han Solo (Touch-up)
Light Side,Support Healer, Rebel, Scoundrel
DESCRIPTION: Daring Rebel support that risks himself to revive allies and Daze enemies.
Basic: Disabling Shot
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Daze for 2 turns. Empire targets can’t resist or evade and take double damage from this attack. If Han has Hope, he gains 15% Turn Meter, and all other allies gain 5% Turn Meter.
Special 1: Hunker Down (Cooldown: 10)
Dispel all debuffs on Han and target other ally, and they both recover health equal to 40% of Han’s Max Health, protection equal to 20% of Han’s Max Health, and gain 25% Turn Meter. All other allies gain Health Steal Up for 2 turns. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Light Side ally suffers a debuff.
Special 2: Search and Rescue (Cooldown: 5)
Revive a random defeated Light Side ally at 70% Health. If Han has Hope, he revives another random Rebel ally at 70% Health. All revived allies gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns, and all revived Rebel allies gain Hope for 1 turn. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Rebel ally is defeated.
Unique: (ZETA) Nick of Time
Captain Han Solo has +15% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. If Rebel Officer Leia Organa is an ally, she gains these bonuses as well.
At the end of his turn, Han recovers Health equal to 10% of his Max Health, and recovers Protection equal to 5% of his Max Health. If Han already has full Health, the least healthy other Light Side ally is healed with that amount of Health instead.
Han gains Max Protection equal to 30% of his current Max Health. In addition, whenever Han uses his Basic ability, he gains +10% Max Health (stacking) for 3 turns.
3. Hoth Rebel Solider (Rework)
Light Side,SupportTank, Rebel, Rebel Fighter
DESCRIPTION: Rebel Tank that stands up persistently with Defense Up
Basic: Cover Fire
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Penetration Down for 2 turns. In addition, inflict Speed Down on target enemy on a Critical Hit. Empire enemies can’t counter or resist this attack. If Hoth Rebel Solider has Hope, he will grant himself and the weakest ally Defense Up for 2 turns.
Special: Hold the Line (Cooldown: 3)
Taunt, gain Critical Chance Up, and grant all Rebel allies Defense Up for 2 turns. If Rebel allies already have Defense Up, they gain Protection Up (20%) for 2 turns, which can’t be prevented or dispelled.
Unique: Rebel Momentum
Hoth Rebel Soldier gains Taunt for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and gains Taunt and Defense Up for 2 turns whenever a Rebel ally falls below 60% Health. At the start of his turn, if Hoth Rebel Solider has Defense Up, he recovers 20% Health and Protection. Hoth Rebel Soldier has 50% Counter Chance, doubled if he has Hope.
4. Hoth Rebel Scout (Touch-up)
Light Side, Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter
DESCRIPTION: Single target attacker with crit synergies and speed building abilities.
Basic: Bold Maneuvers
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 40% chance to gain 25% Turn Meter for all allies. If Hoth Rebel Scout has Hope, he gains Critical Damage Up for 2 turns.
Special: Rebel Assault (Cooldown: 3)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Stun them for 1 turn. In addition, gain 100% Turn Meter on a Critical Hit. If Hoth Rebel Scout has Hope, dispel all buffs from target enemy and call all other Rebel allies to assist, dealing 25% less damage. This attack can’t be evaded.
Unique: Hope of the Alliance
Hoth Rebel Scout gains 50% Turn Meter whenever an Empire enemy is defeated, halved for other Rebel allies. He gains 25% Turn Meter instead whenever a non-Empire enemy is defeated, halved for other Rebel allies.
Rebel Officer Leia Organa;
Captain Han Solo;
Hoth Rebel Soldier;
Hoth Rebel Scout.
Here, big shout out to @Ichiraikou, thanks for helping me develop better ideas in the past few months. We tried our best to make the rework ideas as rigorous, viable, and enjoyable as possible. By the way, @Ichiraikou has some pretty rework ideas too, which may be highly overlooked.
In case you guys want to check out his work, I will put some of his symbolic works here.
Mace Windu:
Darth Sidious:
Darth Maul + Savage Oppress:
We genuinely hoped that CG Devs would take a glimpse of our work, because we are not randomly tossing our ideas here to bother people, and these rework ideas took us months to forge and polish. I do hope that I have the ability to attach related animations for each ability, but that's just my pipe dreams because I don't have time and right to do so. Anyway, it's time to bring up some rework for some iconic old characters.
REMARK: bolded words and sentences are the changes we suggested, and some of them are indicated with GREEN color. In addition, all characters' portrait are credited to
1. Rebel Officer Leia Organa (Rework)
Light Side, Attacker, Leader, Rebel
DESCRIPTION: Tenacious and Daring Rebel attacker who spreads Hope for her allies and assists to keep her crew alive.
Basic: Hold Off
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. Then grant the unique buff Hope to the weakest ally who doesn’t have it for 1 turn. If she uses her Basic attack during her turn or during an enemy’s turn, Leia gains Hope for 1 turn.
Hope: Immune to Fear and Tenacity Down. Hope can’t be copied or prevented. Some Rebels will gain other bonuses if they have Hope.
Special 1: Rebel Barrage (Cooldown: 14)
Deal Physical damage 10 times to random enemy targets. Enemies struck more than once suffer Ability Block for one turn. Empire enemies can’t resist this Ability Block. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever Leia scores a critical hit or suffers a debuff. These attacks can’t be countered. If Leia has Hope, this attack can’t be evaded and the Ability Blocks inflicted can’t be dispelled.
Special 2: Emergency Plan (Cooldown: 6) (NEW ABILITY)
Dispel all debuffs from all Light Side allies, and grant them Hope for 1 turn. Then swap Turn Meter with target Light Side ally. All Light Side allies gain a following buff for 2 turns based on their role:
Attacker: Defense Penetration Up
Tank: Taunt
Support/Healer: Stealth
Then deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Speed Down on them for 2 turns, which can’t be countered. This ability starts on cooldown, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Light Side ally falls below 60% Health.
Leader: (ZETA) Battlefront Command
Rebel allies have +20% Critical Chance, +30% Critical Avoidance, and +40% Tenacity. Rebel allies with Hope are immune to Turn Meter removal, have +50% Defense, and recovers 2.5% Health and Protection at the end of every Rebel ally’s turn. At the start of each encounter, Rebel allies gain Hope for 1 turn. The first time each turn a Rebel ally resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 20% Turn Meter.
Unique: (ZETA) Dauntless
Leia has +60% Counter Chance and +40% Tenacity. If Captain Han Solo is an ally, he gains these bonuses as well. Leia assists when the weakest ally uses their abilities during their turn. In addition, the first time each turn Leia resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, she gains 15% Turn Meter and +35% Offense until the end of her next turn.
2. Captain Han Solo (Touch-up)
Light Side,
DESCRIPTION: Daring Rebel support that risks himself to revive allies and Daze enemies.
Basic: Disabling Shot
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Daze for 2 turns. Empire targets can’t resist or evade and take double damage from this attack. If Han has Hope, he gains 15% Turn Meter, and all other allies gain 5% Turn Meter.
Special 1: Hunker Down (Cooldown: 10)
Dispel all debuffs on Han and target other ally, and they both recover health equal to 40% of Han’s Max Health, protection equal to 20% of Han’s Max Health, and gain 25% Turn Meter. All other allies gain Health Steal Up for 2 turns. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Light Side ally suffers a debuff.
Special 2: Search and Rescue (Cooldown: 5)
Revive a random defeated Light Side ally at 70% Health. If Han has Hope, he revives another random Rebel ally at 70% Health. All revived allies gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns, and all revived Rebel allies gain Hope for 1 turn. This ability’s cooldown is reduced by 1 whenever a Rebel ally is defeated.
Unique: (ZETA) Nick of Time
Captain Han Solo has +15% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. If Rebel Officer Leia Organa is an ally, she gains these bonuses as well.
At the end of his turn, Han recovers Health equal to 10% of his Max Health, and recovers Protection equal to 5% of his Max Health. If Han already has full Health, the least healthy other Light Side ally is healed with that amount of Health instead.
Han gains Max Protection equal to 30% of his current Max Health. In addition, whenever Han uses his Basic ability, he gains +10% Max Health (stacking) for 3 turns.
3. Hoth Rebel Solider (Rework)
Light Side,
DESCRIPTION: Rebel Tank that stands up persistently with Defense Up
Basic: Cover Fire
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Penetration Down for 2 turns. In addition, inflict Speed Down on target enemy on a Critical Hit. Empire enemies can’t counter or resist this attack. If Hoth Rebel Solider has Hope, he will grant himself and the weakest ally Defense Up for 2 turns.
Special: Hold the Line (Cooldown: 3)
Taunt, gain Critical Chance Up, and grant all Rebel allies Defense Up for 2 turns. If Rebel allies already have Defense Up, they gain Protection Up (20%) for 2 turns, which can’t be prevented or dispelled.
Unique: Rebel Momentum
Hoth Rebel Soldier gains Taunt for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and gains Taunt and Defense Up for 2 turns whenever a Rebel ally falls below 60% Health. At the start of his turn, if Hoth Rebel Solider has Defense Up, he recovers 20% Health and Protection. Hoth Rebel Soldier has 50% Counter Chance, doubled if he has Hope.
4. Hoth Rebel Scout (Touch-up)
Light Side, Attacker, Rebel, Rebel Fighter
DESCRIPTION: Single target attacker with crit synergies and speed building abilities.
Basic: Bold Maneuvers
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 40% chance to gain 25% Turn Meter for all allies. If Hoth Rebel Scout has Hope, he gains Critical Damage Up for 2 turns.
Special: Rebel Assault (Cooldown: 3)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Stun them for 1 turn. In addition, gain 100% Turn Meter on a Critical Hit. If Hoth Rebel Scout has Hope, dispel all buffs from target enemy and call all other Rebel allies to assist, dealing 25% less damage. This attack can’t be evaded.
Unique: Hope of the Alliance
Hoth Rebel Scout gains 50% Turn Meter whenever an Empire enemy is defeated, halved for other Rebel allies. He gains 25% Turn Meter instead whenever a non-Empire enemy is defeated, halved for other Rebel allies.