Forum Discussion

HJoci26's avatar
6 years ago


Hi, I have a question about damage overlap, I tried to find posts about it but couldnt find what Im exacly looking for. Is there overlap like in the other raids or isnt? We will be ready to hstr after jtr event, so it is an important info for us. Thank you!

(This discussion was created from comments split from: Need help in Sith Raid! to limit derailing that thread.)
  • Thank you! ? I hope we can beat it! We will have 42 jtr after this event, so we probably manage the heroic finaly! Also we will have a few Bastilla too. We are a bit low on chex mix, but have probably enough ns! ? Right know the raid bot doesnt work correclty on our discord, we have to check one by one how we are standig, we cant check the guild. ? I personally if everything goes well can do 29/400% ? and my Bastila will be 7 before start, so that will add a few percent. Hpoe for top 10, but the main goal is finish it! Thank you again your help!
  • We going to start on 20th october. we give a little time to the new jtr owners to gear up and practice. Some of them already geared her up to 12, but lots of them used up the saved gear because of chewie.?
  • Hi, sadly we were a bit short at the end. Next time we will make it Im sure. We finished in P4, we almost killed Nihil. We were really unlucky, because 3 members with more than 3 mill gp couldnt participate. They wanted to, but life happened. ? we will try again next week, just to be sure. At least we will have some experiance. Oh, and a question, 13 millon damage are good? I made that much, and I rhink I can make more next time.
  • Thank you! I also managed to get the first place too! ☺ That is me on the screenshot. Funny that my gp is only the 11th in my guild. I also got lucky because my guildmate on the 2nd place went in late in p4 with NS so couldnt do as many points as me when nihil was still alive. He will finish first next time, Im sure. ☺If we remove the P3, actually the heroic is almost enjoyable ?. The funny thing, that I will probalbly have a Revan before a 7* Traya ?. Thanks again and have fun!