Forum Discussion

Rucous1's avatar
6 years ago

Padawan Training

Devs my alliance wanted to post a idea to the community and CG.

With many higher GP players burning out and basically all the big alliances just transfering high gp members around. We need to get new blood up to snuff faster. The ideas that have been implemented lately by CG helps but we need more high end players.

In our alliance we started taking padawans to our high end guilds for TB if we are short members. The reaction is awesome it not only helps the padawan but gives new life to the guild.

What we would like for CG to think about is having the guilds be 50+1. The +1 is a padawan that does not add to the over all guild gp (just spit balling some ideas here so don’t flame).
1) The guild still generates 30k tickets but if they are short a member the tickets can count or maybe another member is short tickets the padawans count.
2) For TW the gp does not count and they don’t get to play but get some sort of reward.
3) TB padawan counts as a regular member
4) Raids must post some damage to get rewards.
5) limitation on the +1 — they have to be a set gp lower than either the guilds median or maybe lowest member. This is to help new members get better. So it needs to be made that guilds don’t cheese it. Once the padawan reaches the limit then they are cut loose.
6) maybe the guild does not get to chose their padawan maybe they do.

This is all about helping the community replace retiring members and getting top end players faster. Helping that base out that will keep the game going for years to come.
  • This would be an awesome addition for not only our family of guilds, but many others would benefit from this as well!
  • xGriiMErZz's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Will it give them money? Is it worth their time if they make nothing? Thought so
  • That's a good idea. It would allow for a faster growth up until a point were you can't be padawan anymore and could join a higher gp guild and be a part of it fulltime
  • Couldn’t you just foster a low level player without the +1? Of course we would all love to have stand ins for missing players in war.
  • "3pourr2;c-1704039" wrote:
    Couldn’t you just foster a low level player without the +1? Of course we would all love to have stand ins for missing players in war.

    You could and our alliance does this as a reward with our training guilds. That is what made me think of this idea. When the top guilds are full you can’t host, let’s face it guilds try to be full with the best possible players for TB/TW. This idea is to get more viable players up to the top guilds faster. I have noticed a burn out on the upper end of players. Just need a way to get replacements up to speed faster.

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