Forum Discussion

nottenst's avatar
New Traveler
2 months ago

PC Client motion sickness

I just installed the PC client on my laptop and tried out a ship battle in RotE.  The shaking of the screen and big sweeps of POV during battle definitely are inducing some motion sickness.  

Is there a setting to dampen down the screen POV movement and the shaking? 

I can just do battles on my tablet or phone, but would like to know about this.


  • In "Graphics Settings" you can make it Windowed with dimensions, say, half of your full screen. That might help.

  • lordzhedd's avatar
    Rising Traveler

    You're not the first person to mention the screen shake as an issue, though I've yet to hear anyone say that it's making them physically ill. I'd like to see it toned down a bit too, but I've gotten used to it at this point and it's not nearly as jarring as it was. As an aside - if something this innocuous is making you physically ill, I do have to wonder how or if you are able to play any video game - screen movements are pretty standard fare in this medium.

    Maybe with time your eyes will adjust, as mine have. Hope it gets better for you.

    • nottenst's avatar
      New Traveler

       I think it is the big sweeps of POV more than the shake, but I don't know.  I'm just hoping to hear from more players if there is anything that we can do.

      As far as video games - I have not played an action video game in many years.  This is it.  

      • lordzhedd's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        As far as video games - I have not played an action video game in many years.  This is it.  

        Yeah, fair enough. I don't play much outside of this either.