Forum Discussion

Ravens1113's avatar
New Traveler
2 months ago

Peridea Patrol is WAY overtuned

Tier 1 of this event has Ezra one shotting my Enoch and I can’t do anywhere near enough damage to take Ezra down before he is healing up and taking multiple turns before I take one. This is supposed to be 3* g11 for the tier level and it feels like it should be for relic characters. Hey devs, since you’re forcing this new AB’s down our throats and getting rid of older AB’s, how about properly testing and tuning these to their proper levels? 

7 Replies

  • I can't speak to t1, but my r7 toons took down the r7 tier first try, no remod or special strategy or anything. Yes, Ezra healed a ton and out of the gate it looked like this was going to be fruitless, but the cooldown on his heal was high enough that I made measurable progress until finally I got him into the edge of yellow, bit him with DT(P) and poofed him out of existence. 

    The POW/MQG event was much, much harder and required remodding for characters at the highest available tier for your relics. It's also fair to note that you get as many tries as you need and once you do get 3* you never have to play the event again. 

    So... that first tier might be too hard, I don't know, but I'm happier with this than I was with Duel of the Fates, since I hate remodding. 

  • I should also have said that the last time people were talking about this even, it was noted that Zetas are required but the event was quite doable once you have them.

    Do your toons have all the zetas? 

  • Ravens1113's avatar
    New Traveler
    2 months ago

    All but one on night troopers unique. I finally got the 3 after about 20 tries and bought the crystal pack to up the trio to 5 and t2 I got done in one try which is insane. 

  • DemortredForever's avatar
    Rising Novice
    2 months ago

    Take off a mod of each of the two zombies. Ezra goes crazy for Enoch unless they're weaker.. they're like cats,  they have 9 lives. That said, you want 300+ speed on everyone. 

  • You're asking CG to balance something?  They'd have trouble balancing a picture frame with a laser level.

  • Miketo28's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    2 months ago

    FWIW, I succeeded on r7 with all r7 and no zetas.

    • For Captain Enoch I used all health mods with Triangle, cross and circle all health. Speed was 316.
    • Night trooper got my Darth Revan offense and health mods. Triangle offense, cross (malak's mod) and circle were protection. Speed was +300.
    • Death Trooper got LV CD and CC mods. Triangle CD, cross offense also +300 speed.


  • Morgoth_swgoh's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    2 months ago

    I'm with OP on this.

    Try and manual play tier 1 next time this AB comes about and notice how long it takes your R7 zombies to chew through Ezra on Tier1, it seems pretty ridiculous tbh.

    Last time this AB came about my Enoch was 6* so I didn't 3-star any of the tiers. Had the pleasure this time of playing through all tiers with my R9 zombies and neither of them was remotely close to failing for me. However I did notice that it took me quite a while to win the lower tiers, considering this was with full R9 toons with pretty decent modding and a DTP that regularly hit well above 200K damage. I can't imagine this feels comfortable with minimum requirement toons on the lower tiers.

    To me the higher end tiers seems just fine, but the lower tiers I suspect are somewhat overtuned.