Forum Discussion

Ichiraikou's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Personal Character Idea (for fun)

Since giving feedback on the post from @Ct214476 about a kit idea for his own character, I have been thinking about a concept for my own character for a while. Which is why this post now exists. You can find the original post of him here:
P.s. I called the character Ichi, after my nickname, but that;s because I'm terrible at coming up with names. So if anyone has a better idea. I'd welcome those. Anyway here is the character:

Light Side, Tank, Force User
Mysterious traveler that is determined to protect his allies, despite the bad luck he seems to bring.

Protective Assault (Basic)
Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If Ichi has Lightning Barrier, all allies with Lightning Barrier recover 20% Protection. Otherwise Ichi Taunts for 1 turn.

Lightning Barrier (Special) (Cooldown: 4 turns) (Zeta)
Dispel all debuffs from all Light Side allies, and grant them the Lightning Barrier unique buff until the next time this ability is used, which can’t be Prevented or Dispelled.
Lightning Barrier: This unit is immune to Shock, and gains Bonus Protection equal to 150% (200%) of Ichi’s Max Protection. All allies with Lightning Barrier equalize this Bonus Protection whenever an enemy uses an ability.

Determined Protector (Unique)
Light Side allies gain +70% Critical Avoidance while they have Lightning Barrier.
While Ichi has Lightning Barrier, he has -25% Speed, and all other Light Side allies with Lightning Barrier gain +50% Offence. Otherwise Ichi has +25% Speed, +35% Defence, and +70% Critical Resistance.

Bad Luck Charm (unique)
All units have -30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage while Ichi is active.
Whenever Ichi is Critically Hit, or whenever another Light Side ally is damaged by an attack, Ichi gains +10% Turn Meter, and +10% Critical Chance and Critical Damage (stacking) until the next time he scores a Critical Hit.


  • Protection: High
  • Health: Above Average
  • Defence: Above Average
  • Tenacity: High
  • Offence: Below Average
  • Speed: Average
  • Defence Penetration: Below Average
  • Potency: Low
  • Critical Chance: Low

P.s. Critical Resistance reduces the amount of damage this character takes when they are critically hit. It's similar to the relation between Critical Avoidance and Critical Chance. But only for Critical Damage. No it's not in the game, I came up with it myself.


Since a young age this boy has practically been alone. His parents died when he was still young, as did almost everybody else that got close to him. Nobody knows why, but accidents and disasters seem to happen around him all the time. So nobody really wanted to get close to him, and he didn't want to get close to others. As he feared he would hurt them.
Besides this, when he grew a bit older, he discovered he had a talent. He could summon lightning out of his hands. Much later in life he learned this ability is called Force Lightning. But at the moment he was just terrified of it. He already blamed himself for all the hurt that happened around him, even if he had no idea why or had any control over it. So another way to hurt other people was the last thing he wanted.
In order to get away from other people, and to take his mind off everything, he would go exploring into the wild. Thou most of these explorations where pretty uneventful, 2 of these explorations changed his life quite significantly.
On one of these explorations he ran into a woman. Thou most of what happened and what was said has unfortunately faded from his memory, one line the woman said he would never forget: "That what can kill, can also save. That what can save, can also kill. It doesn't matter what power you have. What matters is how you use it." These words would change him forever.
After the encounter with the mysterious woman, he decided to take another look at those lightning powers. Inspired by the woman's words, and determined not to hurt others needlessly again, he started to practice. He practiced relentlessly until he could form the lightning into a shield form around his left arm, and could touch stuff with that shield without lightning jumping over to them.
He also kept exploring, stumbling on an old battlefield during one of these. There he found a strange devise with a beautiful crystal in it. Later in life he would learn that these where a crossguard lightsaber and a blue kyber crystal. Thou at the moment, it was just a broken devise. He decided to take it with him, to see if he could get it working again. He eventually did, and when he learn what it could do and how dangerous it could be, he regretted it for a moment. But he remembered the woman's words again, and decided to keep it.
Now, after a long time. He now had the skills and tools he needed to help others instead of hurting them. So he set out into the universe. Determined to help as many as he could.

Powers and fighting style:

He wields a Blue Crossguard Lightaber in his right hand, and a Shield created from Force Lightning on his left arm. The crossguards on the lightsaber are at a 45 degree angle. He uses the lightsaber and the shield in a very defensive fighting style. Since he never had any formal training, his style is unorthodox and unrefined. But since he can control the position and shape of his shield quite precisely, and since the crossguards protect the hilt and his hand, it's surprisingly hard to deal significant damage to him. Even for skilled fighters.
The fact that he uses force lightning only for defence, and never for offence, is a very big reason he hasn't fallen to the dark side. Despite him using a power from it constantly. He also isn't very good at other force powers, due to the aforementioned lack of training, and a (theorized) lack of talent.
In addition, he can increase the size of the shield to a massive barrier. Allowing others to safely hide behind it. Furthermore, since he has full control over it, he can make it so that attacks from the front are blocked, but attacks from behind go right through it. Which allows his allies to fully focus on offence. However, while this barrier is up, he can't move around easily.
Although he has no control over his bad luck, he is able to use it to his advantage. Since he has lived with it his entire life. He does try to protect his allies against it. But unfortunately he doesn't always succeed. Thou there have also been individuals that were able to turn it to their advantage.
  • I'm no expert but I feel like the protection regen on basic, the tm gain on attacks to allies, and the protection equalization on enemy ability use would just create a situation where it's incredibly difficult to do any lasting damage. Pair your character with a healer and it'd be near impossible to kill anyone without 1 shot level damage like annihilate.