9 years ago
Please give Tarkin's Capital Ship more darkside synergy.
With biggs now being fixed no one in arena is using him. Even I had to retire him for now. Please make him viable. I have 46 Ackbar leads and 4 Windu in the top 50 on my shard. Clearly there is a problem with ship game balance.
Give him "darkside" synergy since there are only 3 Empire ships and 1 (Reaper) is behind a paywall. Empire synergy is a joke right now (fleet battles).
I feel like fleet battles are the new tournaments. Oh look, another wiggs team.
If anyone is running a maxed Tarkin with success I would love to hear about this + strategy, Thanks.
Give him "darkside" synergy since there are only 3 Empire ships and 1 (Reaper) is behind a paywall. Empire synergy is a joke right now (fleet battles).
I feel like fleet battles are the new tournaments. Oh look, another wiggs team.
If anyone is running a maxed Tarkin with success I would love to hear about this + strategy, Thanks.